Spain.. Hotel guests throw themselves out of windows (video)

Spanish media reported that guests of a hotel in Barcelona found no escape from the fire except by throwing themselves from the windows of the hotel, which caught fire in one of its floors.

Russia Today reported that the fire broke out on the third floor of the Coronado Hotel on La Rambla Street in the city center on Saturday evening.

She added that one person died of severe burns and smoke inhalation, while 4 people sustained burns of varying degrees.

Firefighters explained that the fire broke out in a room on the third floor in addition to one of the corridors, but thick smoke turned the entire floor into a "trap."

They added that two people jumped from different rooms on that floor, as passers-by and residents of the area put mattresses at the bottom so as not to be damaged as a result of the fall.

#ESPAÑA / Incendio en Hotel Coronado de #Barcelona en andador de La Rambla deja 9 heridos 3 saltaron al vacío aunque improvisaron colchonetas uno se encuentra con fracturas graves en columna.

— Buro Internacional de Prensa (@BipPress) February 13, 2022

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