Toward the introduction of the "same-sex partnership system," the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has put together a proposal that the procedure can be done online, including not only people living in Tokyo but also working people.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which is working to eliminate the unfair treatment of sexual minorities, has announced a policy to introduce a "same-sex partnership system" on the 14th.

The name of the new system is "Tokyo Partnership Oath System".

This applies if you are an adult and at least one of the couples lives in Tokyo, works in Tokyo, or attends a university.

It is supposed to be used for the consent of the partner when undergoing surgery and for the welfare of the workplace.

In addition, in order to prevent unintentional disclosure to other people, the policy is to complete the process from notification to issuance of the certificate online in principle. ..

The capital wants to introduce the system in the fall after revising the related ordinances.