In the common test for university admissions last month, the question was sent to the outside during the exam, and the university entrance exam center said that it was the first time that the question was leaked using a smartphone. He showed a policy to consider measures.

Of the common test for university admissions held on the 15th of last month, the question paper for "World History B" was taken during the exam and sent to the outside, and the Metropolitan Police Department has already appeared on the 10th and acknowledged its involvement. A 19-year-old female college student and a male system engineer who seems to have helped were sent documents on suspicion of obstructing false accounting work.

The National Center for University Entrance Examinations met on this issue and interviewed a female university student on the 9th. , Revealed that it was confirmed that the obtained answer was filled out on the answer sheet.

This is the first time that a smartphone has been used to leak exam questions to the outside world.

At the examination venue where the fraud was committed, there were 6 examination directors for about 100 examinees, and they responded according to the manual, so the National Center for University Entrance Examinations will work with information technology experts in the future. , We are considering measures to prevent recurrence.