Recently, the famous writer Ye Zhaoyan's "The Road to Father" was launched by Yilin Publishing House. The work tells the story of a father and son, lays out the memory of a family's era, and reflects the social changes of a family for more than half a century.

  "The Road to Father" tells the story of a father and son.

Not long after the protagonist Zhang Zuo was born, his parents separated due to emotional discord. His mother remarried and his father remarried. He was raised by his grandfather Wei Ren and his grandmother since he was a child.

His father, Zhang Xiyi, was a proud disciple of his grandfather Wei Ren. He studied oracle bone inscriptions from Wei Ren. Although the two were not blood relatives, they had similar interests and could be called spiritual father and son.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiyi and Zhang Zuo were emotionally estranged because they did not live together. The three-day alone time at the cadre school was a rare close time in their lives.

The three generations of Wei Ren, Zhang Xiyi, and Zhang Zuo are father and son or master and apprentice.

With the passage of time, Zhang Xiyi became famous in his later years and became a master of Chinese studies and a giant in the academic world. The father and son also became closer.

But "the road to my father is too long. Zhang Zuo found that he had never really approached Zhang Xiyi. Sometimes the closer he got, the farther he felt."

  In Ye Zhaoyan's view, everyone wants to approach their father, but the result of approaching his father is nothing more than two kinds. One is to want to be like a father. , the protagonist Zhang Zuo wants to get close to his father, but the more he wants to get closer, the closer he gets, the more unbearable it is. This kind of unbearableness is also cultural unbearable.

"Lu Xun talked about Mr. Zhang Taiyan, my grandfather's (Ye Shengtao) generation talked about Mr. Lu Xun, my father talked about his grandfather's generation, and then I talked about my father and his friends. It seems that history has already been written for the descendants of my wife... It seems that none of us unworthy descendants can surpass our fathers." From this extension, this literary journey exploring the relationship between father and son is mixed with strong cultural reflection. .

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Huang Yanwen