On February 7, a heavy snow fell in Zigui County, Hubei Province. A villager in Yongji Village, who lives on a mountain nearly 800 meters above sea level, suffered a cerebral infarction at home and needed urgent treatment. However, the ambulance was blocked by the mountainside due to the thick snow.

After the Shuitianba Police Station of Zigui County Public Security Bureau received the alarm, director Liu Xiong and instructor Liu Qilin led the auxiliary police to the scene in a four-wheel-drive pickup truck equipped with snow chains, and then brought the medical staff to pick up the patient.

  On the way, in order to avoid the disease caused by the return of blood caused by the hanging needle in the car, the instructor Liu Qilin stood outside the car and held the infusion bottle against the wind and snow for more than 20 minutes until the patient was sent to the ambulance.

The patient was sent to Shuitianba Township Health Center.

At present, after timely treatment, the villager is out of danger.

(The video of Dong Xiaobin produced by Li Zuyan and Xu Junfu is sourced from Zigui County Public Security Bureau)

Responsible editor: [Liu Pai]