“Forgetting would not only be dangerous, but also offensive;

forgetting the dead would be like killing them a second time

» (Elie Wiesel).

This has been a weekend of intense acts of memory in Guipúzcoa that began in San Sebastián with a discussion around the following question: «Victims of terrorism and the Holocaust.

Why bother?

They are uncomfortable because, as Fernando Savater rightly pointed out,

"the victims are a living accusation."

An accusation that demands justice, memory and dignity.

A damage recounted by

Eva Leitman Bohrer

, a Holocaust survivor thanks to

Sanz Briz

, the Angel of Budapest, who offered refuge to her family, a large part of which could not be saved and succumbed to Nazi extermination.

So did

Consuelo Ordóñez,

who does not cease in the fight against oblivion, in honor and memory of her brother

De Ella Gregorio

de Ella and all the victims of terrorism that devastated Euskadi for more than 40 years.

The result of both violent and criminal movements was this weekend in the tribute to Fernando Múgica Herzog in the Polloe cemetery, where

the much praised peace emanates from the tombs and is devastating


In Savater's words, "crimes are never a pure historical phenomenon, they have an author."

Authors that in the case of almost 350 Spanish families are unknown


Rubén Múgica recalled that these families still "ignore who pointed the gun, who fired, who placed the explosives."

Maite Pagazaurtundua

also said

in the tribute to her brother

De Ella Joseba

in Andoain that «ETA and its entourage have not yet had their Nuremberg».

It is only necessary to see the composition of the Congress,

where the ETA detritus coexists and gets along with an amoral president of the Government and his flock

, who justify, legitimize and perpetuate the crimes of the gang.

With the firm intention that such nonsense is not normalized or prevail over common sense and justice, it is necessary

to remember the atrocities committed by ETA terrorism and Nazi terror


everything of which the human being is capable.

Neither forget nor forgive.

And whoever feels uncomfortable, wonder why.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

Know more

  • ETA

TribuneGregorio Ordóñez: the truth

EditorialThe ignominy of the ETA revolving door

Bull's tailMadrid-San Sebastián

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