(新春走基层)上海:“丹丹小窗”暖意流转 民警解决“急难愁盼”

  中新网上海2月6日电 (李姝徵 蔡婵静)2月6日,大年初六,是上海各派出所综合窗口开工第一天。上海市公安局宝山分局的“明星窗口”——吴淞派出所的“丹丹小窗”,一开工就迎来了络绎不绝的居民。


民警茅丹丹为吴先生办理业务。 上海市公安局宝山分局供图









  According to the latest policy during the epidemic, Xiao Wang's ID card replacement can be handled by his family.

Mao Dandan immediately applied for a replacement card for Xiao Wang according to the new policy, and handed the new temporary ID card to Aunt Li on the spot.

"I didn't expect it to be so humane, and children can spend the New Year at home with peace of mind." Auntie Li said.

Mao Dandan guides the public to handle online business.

Photo courtesy of Baoshan Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau

  Due to the special reasons of the epidemic, since the beginning of this year, Mao Dandan has instructed more than 20 people to issue household registration certificates and certificates of no illegal or criminal records online through the APP with the application, as well as handle authorization of family members through the electronic bright certificate, which not only makes people run less. It also reduces the risk of infection during the epidemic.

  Whenever the New Year is approaching, the "Dandan Small Window" is more lively than usual. Some old residents who have left the Wusong police station area will come to visit Mao Dandan specially, say a new year to Dandan, and say a few words about the current situation.

  One of the old residents, Aunt Zhong, is an educated youth who returned to Shanghai.

More than ten years ago, Mao Dandan was still a novice in the window business. Under the guidance of his master, he handled the matters for Aunt Zhong's children to return to Shanghai and settle down.

  After Aunt Zhong sold the house, she insisted on staying in the public house because the "Dandan Small Window" is here.

Even though Aunt Zhong's household registration has been moved to other areas, she still habitually asks Mao Dandan for help.

  Fate has been tied for ten years.

A few days ago, Aunt Zhong returned to Shanghai from the land of educated youth and brought two local old hens and local specialties to Dandan at the window.

  In order to live up to the old man's heart, Mao Dandan did not simply return the gift.

She prepared fruit and a small red envelope, and delivered it to the old man's house.

Aunt Zhong came to the office again, and the two laughed and said Happy New Year to each other.
