Red drink can lower blood pressure in a few hours

In the journal Hypertension, researchers have revealed a drink that lowers blood pressure as an affordable and readily available adjuvant therapy.

The researchers said that drinking one cup of red beet juice leads to lower blood pressure, in a study of 68 patients with high blood pressure and “within 24 hours”, positive improvements were already seen in the group charged with drinking beetroot juice, according to “Russia Today”. .

Participants took 250ml of nitrate-rich beetroot juice or a placebo, a nitrate-free root juice, on a daily basis. The patients' clinical blood pressure readings were reduced in the short and long term, endothelial function improved by 20%, and arterial stiffness was reduced after taking nitrates.

Experts advised blood pressure patients, apart from drinking beetroot juice, with some other measures to improve blood pressure, the best of which is moving, as moderate intensity activity is recommended every day, up to 150 minutes every week.

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  • #Drink,

  • red,

  • #blood pressure,

  • #Patients