The new normal has increased the time that families and couples share at home.

This, poorly focused, can be a source of conflict and discussion, although there are solutions that can transform our house into an ally.

Amaia Elias is an interior designer and creator of the Amai method, which combines that of

Marie Kondo



and emotional decoration.

For her, there are many tools that can help us, although "everything begins with order" and by creating spaces that adapt to the needs of the cohabitants.

Elías explains that we spend 67% of the time at home, so the state of our home affects the emotions and, therefore, the state of mind of each member of the family.

So much so, that the disorder, for example, can cause poor coexistence and end in a

breakup of the couple.

Thus, it provides five keys to find an ally of harmony in our home and reduce discussions with children and partner.

1. Create simple habits to maintain order

She considers that the stress caused by disorder makes it difficult to organize and distribute tasks properly, increasing arguments in a family.

The basis is to

keep the house tidy

, as this transmits peace, harmony and tranquility, generating a good mood for each member of the family.

"I have always been very messy, only I have changed the way I see order and this has changed my life. Order goes far beyond ordering the closet on a Sunday morning or cleaning the house from top to bottom once a week. once a month. It's a matter of creating simple habits like having a place for everything or

creating 10-minute routines

every night and morning," he says.

In addition, there are studies that show that a clean house even affects sexual relations.

One of them,

Cleanliness and happiness,

carried out by a consultant for the Spanish company Las 3 Brujas, has shown that in clean homes,

sexual practice is 24 times greater than in dirty houses.

2. Have a place for everything and everything in its place

For the interior designer it is important to assign a place to each thing.

When you finish using a kitchen utensil, any cleaning product or an object in the room, for example, it should be placed in the place agreed upon by family members.

Hence the importance of being aware of the things that are in the house and

removing all the things that are not going to be used.

3. Think carefully about the layout and design of the home

To make order even easier to maintain, it is essential that the design and distribution adapt to the needs of the members of the house.

In this case, emotional needs are also included.

The goal should be for

your home to transmit calm to you.

It is important that the home is the perfect ally, for example, to facilitate tasks.

"For sure, in a non-functional kitchen, your time to prepare food will be stressful. And instead of helping you to make dinner time the best time of day after a busy day, the effect will be the opposite", bill.

4. Divide the housework

According to a 2016 study by researchers at Harvard Business School and Columbia University of recently divorced people, 30% of those surveyed said

disagreements about housework were the biggest reason for breakups.

The key to avoiding these discussions is organization: you have to sit down and think about

what tasks each one will do within the couple

and also, what each member of the family will do.

This will help you be more efficient and finish your homework sooner.

5. Maintain private spaces

Together and scrambled is very good, but it doesn't always work or for everyone.

Agreeing on which will be the common spaces and which ones will be personal will make it much easier to respect the decisions of others.

"We all need a

moment of intimacy

in our home and living as a couple should not limit it," he highlights.

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