(抗击新冠肺炎)香港医学专家:须尽快降低社区人流 避免疫情海啸式暴发

  中新社香港2月5日电 (记者 韩星童)随着传播力极强的变异病毒株奥密克戎在社区传播,香港第五波疫情扩散迅速,单日阳性病例数字屡创新高,2月5日达351宗。香港多位医学专家对中新社表示,逆转疫情的关键在于尽快降低社区人流,并配合全民检测,避免疫情海啸式暴发。

资料图:1月22日,香港葵涌邨暴发新冠肺炎疫情,其中逸葵楼居民或访客的新冠病毒阳性及初步阳性病例约96宗。图为有居民登上救护车。 中新社记者  陈永诺 摄






  In Liang Zichao's view, the key to preventing and controlling the epidemic in a short period of time is to quickly reduce the flow of people in the community, "reducing the scope of case tracking to the home environment, workplace, etc." He called on business groups, religious groups, etc. to stop everything Activities needed to allow most residents to stay at home so that the outbreak can be reversed as quickly as possible.

  Both Zhou Bozhan and Tang Jisheng emphasized the importance of national testing, believing that this is the only and most effective way to cut off the invisible transmission chain.

  In response to the fifth wave of the epidemic, the SAR government has distributed more than 600,000 rapid test kits for COVID-19 to residents in various districts through the Home Affairs Department, and the relevant procurement work is still intensifying.

Tang Jisheng emphasized that rapid test kits cannot replace universal testing, because this method is not mandatory and the results are not necessarily accurate.

  Liang Zichao pointed out that another bottleneck in Hong Kong's epidemic prevention lies in the lack of epidemic prevention resources.

Once the epidemic prevention resources are unable to cope with the continuing deterioration of the epidemic, it means that the epidemic is about to get out of control.

He stressed that this tipping point must be avoided.
