A Mauritanian poet expresses solidarity with "thoughts" with the ordeal of the child #Ryan

The ordeal of the Moroccan child Rayan, who has been stuck in the well for days, met with wide solidarity and calls for his safe exhumation. Among those who interacted with the tragedy, the Mauritanian poet and diplomat Sidi Ould Amjad, who wrote a poem entitled: “Poetic Thoughts about the Ordeal of the Moroccan Child Rayan”, was published by Hespress newspaper, Here is its text:

I am calling you, Manan Rayan Najha ** In the dark hole, look at his face

A young man in this den has lost his step ** He was buried under the soil in the narrowness of his approach

And there is none for him but you, his Lord has mercy ** and the widest door to return to his face

A lonely man went to his mother's bosom ** and his virgin dreams were the spectra of his sign

He stumbled and groans squeezed his heart ** and nothing but silence in the night of my face

My father calls: Excuse me I am late for you ** I lost the way home after Hajj

But the kindness of God is stronger than darkness ** and from the narrowness of this anguish from every kind

And after this hardship, there will be ease, so give good news to the honorable Bani al-Maghrib of his exodus

You turned away from light, but heavy, all of you ** For the smile of a child, I was trapped under a staircase

And it is no wonder if you are dear, for it is ** the chivalry of those in the house flaunts like a meadow

Aryan, don't be sad, this universe is witness ** that you are a full moon in the absence of a wave

Brother Yunus, I saw you standing ** Talk about the meaning of patience about the secret of his maturity

Every horse has a setback, but it ** With Ryan's laughter, it will rise on his saddle

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