

大范围雨雪覆盖20余省份 防寒保暖不可少





春节返程高峰伴随雨雪天气 出行需多加防范

  据中国天气网气象分析师王伟跃介绍,此次雨雪天气过程具有雨雪范围广、降水量级大、雨雪相态复杂、局地有冻雨的特点。 即将到来的中东部大范围雨雪天气过程与春节返程高峰重叠,公众在返程的路上需关注天气变化,防范道路湿滑、积雪、结冰等不利影响。




  In terms of airport meteorological impact, it is expected that by noon on the 5th, most airports in the country will be airworthy; there will be mild to moderate turbulence in the mid-low altitude airspace in eastern Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu and other places; eastern Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, There are ice accretion conditions in the low-altitude airspace in Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, eastern Gansu, and southern Shaanxi.

On January 28, passengers entered the station at the Beijing West Railway Station to take a train.

With the Spring Festival approaching, the railway sector ushered in the peak passenger flow before the festival.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Jia Tianyong

Here is a reminder:

  Although it has entered the Spring Festival, the temperature in various places has not risen significantly, reminding the public not to reduce clothing prematurely, and still pay attention to cold protection, warmth and wind protection.

Special attention should be paid to keeping the head, feet, neck, and hands warm, otherwise it is easy to reduce the body's immunity and lead to disease invasion.

  If you choose to go out by car during the Spring Festival return trip, you should check the vehicle in advance before traveling, take corresponding anti-skid measures, reduce the speed, and increase the safe distance of driving.

  In rainy and snowy weather, the roads are slippery, and you should put on non-slip shoes as much as possible when you go out. When you encounter icy roads, you should slow down and be careful to prevent slipping.

Avoid or reduce going out in bad weather such as heavy snow.

Image source: China Weather Network

  When freezing rain comes, the road is easy to freeze. Pedestrians should minimize travel. If they need to travel, they should take anti-skid measures and drive slowly.

If you are traveling by car, it is best to install snow chains on the tires to leave enough braking distance to prevent the vehicle from slipping and rolling over.
