Always be vigilant against "hunting" corrosion

  According to statistics, in 2021, the national discipline inspection and supervision organs will file 631,000 cases and punish 627,000 people, of which 524,000 will be punished by party discipline.

The data is the most powerful proof. In the past year, the upholding of discipline and anti-corruption has not stopped, and fruitful results have been achieved, but we must also be soberly aware that the battle of corruption and anti-corruption is still fierce, and there are some new stages. characteristics, must always maintain a high degree of vigilance against "hunting" corrosion.

  To always maintain vigilance against the corrosion of "hunting", it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of urgency, so as to ensure that safety does not forget danger, and control does not forget chaos.

The ancients said, "The worst thing to do in the world's troubles is that it is called pacification without incident, but in fact there are unforeseen worries." Corrosion and anti-corrosion struggles have existed for a long time, and a little laxity may be in vain.

There is no choice in fighting corruption. We must advance despite difficulties. We must keep a clear head, always blow the charge, adhere to the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and unswervingly advance the fight against corruption. loose.

Party members and cadres must follow the deployment and requirements of the central government, keep a sober head, know what is in the slightest, prevent small changes, improve party consciousness, and continuously enhance their ability to resist corruption and change.

  To always maintain vigilance against the corrosion of "hunting", it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility, to be aware of responsibilities and to be responsible.

"Those with heavy responsibilities must have deep worries, and those with high positions must have heavy responsibilities." The courage to take responsibility is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, and the provisions on the obligations of party members in the party constitution are specific requirements for party members' responsibilities.

Rejecting the corruption of "hunting", Party members and cadres must tighten the clockwork of their responsibilities, treat power correctly, always self-examination, strictly abide by the rules and regulations, and often check the Party's theory, line, principles and policies, the Party Constitution, the Party's rules and discipline, and the original mission. Clear certain things that should be done and whether they can be done, and hold the line of defense against corruption and change.


  常敲思想警钟,常思贪欲之害,常怀律己之心。党员干部要始终保持“赶考”的清醒,面对种种“围猎”腐蚀,时刻自重自省自警自励,慎独慎微慎始慎终,不断增强政治定力、纪律定力、道德定力、抵腐定力,永葆清正廉洁的政治本色。(作者: 李中军 )