(新春走基层)湖北两兄弟“舌尖创业”:留住乡愁 带富乡亲

  中新网宜昌1月29日电 题:湖北两兄弟“舌尖创业”:留住乡愁 带富乡亲

  作者 董晓斌 朱灿义



王林给春节前最后一批“腊货”打包 董晓斌 摄



王林在村民高声媛家中查看腌菜的腌制情况 董晓斌 摄




  In order to ensure the supply of goods, Wang Lin and Tian Zhaosheng purchased agricultural and sideline products produced by villagers.

"In order to ensure product quality, we generally only purchase semi-finished products, and then select and process them ourselves, and sell them only when they meet the standards." Wang Lin said.

Photographed by Zhou Xingliang in Wufeng Mountain Village, Zhicheng Town, surrounded by mountains

  Gao Shengyuan, a 56-year-old villager in Wufengshan Village, is one of Wang Lin's "sources". In 2021, she will supply more than 200 catties of pickles and nearly 400 catties of pressed peppers, increasing her income by more than 3,000 yuan.

"It turns out that these vegetables are grown and eaten by themselves, and there is no source of income. It was the Wang Lin brothers who helped, so I hope their videos will be better and better."

  Wang Lin said that in 2022, they will continue to shoot rural-themed videos to introduce more agricultural and sideline products, and at the same time expand the size of the team to produce videos in other fields, "not only to retain homesickness, but also to lead the villagers. Let’s increase income and get rich together.” (End)