Meet you丨From Jin Xiaoyu to "Golden Translation"!

He suffers from emotional disorders, but he has a counterattack-like fate

  Suffering from bipolar disorder, he can only see in one eye, but he has translated 16 works with more than 6 million words in 10 years. He is 50-year-old Jin Xiaoyu from Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

  Despite the misfortunes and hardships, Jin Xiaoyu has been clinging firmly to the only guiding rope in his world, focusing on translation work.

He has always believed in "paper lives for a thousand years", and he believes that words can be inherited indefinitely.

He is a "genius translator" in the eyes of his father and a "beautiful mind" in the eyes of readers.

"24 Hours" met you, let's read it together, the story of the translator Jin Xiaoyu.

  There is light in the heart of pain, I believe that words can be passed on infinite

  This is a community built in the 1980s in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Jin Xiaoyu's home is here. The pendulum clock in the house reminds the time he is walking, and it seems to record the time he spent with his father and his mother who had left. day.

Jin Xiaoyu was born in Tianjin in 1972. When he was 6 years old, his left eye was injured by a needle shot from a toy gun of his companion. From then on, he could only see the world with his right eye. Since then, his life with his parents has also changed.

  Jin Xiaoyu: I didn't understand it when I was a child. I was very happy to see a doctor in Beijing. I was very happy in the ward. Slowly, when I was about to graduate from primary school, I seemed to have a tendency to depression.

  Xiaoyu, who was originally cheerful and smiling, gradually noticed the strange looks from others. His smile became less and less, and he was less and less fond of speaking.

In 1984, his parents moved him from Tianjin to Zhejiang.

In a new environment, Xiaoyu's condition seems to be improving, and he was successfully admitted to the famous local Hangzhou Senior High School.

However, darkness came suddenly one day in the third year of high school. He suddenly informed his parents that he did not want to continue school.

  Jin Xiaoyu's father Jin Xingyong: He just told me, Mom and Dad, I won't go to school, what if I can't go to school, you can find me a job, I feel that this child's affairs cannot be forced on him, what do you want to do? , it is impossible to tell the child to do anything, I can only let it develop naturally.


  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:他进去精神病医院的时候很苦,那个时候还用电疗的,电刺激,我在旁边看,可坚强,很伤心,哇哇叫,爸爸我不看病,我要回家了,我吃不消了。




  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:他跟我讲的是,浙江图书馆所有的英文的原版书我都看过,他说,爸爸你不相信,你可以到图书馆去查,我借一本书,上边有个卡片要签字的,你翻出来这个卡片,都有我金晓宇的名字。

潜心翻译十年 译出600万字作品



  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:首先带中文字幕的,看完了以后,把中文字幕叫我用一个纸条挡住它,挡住它来听,听了反复听,听不懂再看看,听懂以后不需要再看字幕了,他感觉这部电影过去了。印象最深刻的,他看《相扑》,那个时候《相扑》天天放,天天放,他嘎嘎笑,他也笑,我也笑。




  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:晓宇母亲的同学说,我们南京大学出版社找几本英文书叫他挑挑,看喜欢哪一本就翻译哪一本,第一本是《船热》短篇小说,八篇,他的意思是你从里面挑一篇好了,他原来意思,你翻译一篇或者两篇,其他的靠资深翻译的人带一带放在里边,不管好坏都能带过去的,结果晓宇全部翻译完了,翻译完了以后,他们看到以后很满意,他告诉我,我们马上出版。



父母守护 儿子反哺 有爱有家有希望

  The translation works of more than 6 million words are his entire world in the past ten years. In a world where different words and languages ​​are converted, he does not need to care about other people's eyes, and can let his thinking stretch as much as he wants, and give full play to the deepest knowledge in his knowledge reserve. potential, and in such a world, he found his own unique value.

  Translation work is the life of Jin Xiaoyu, and it is the life of their family.

For his parents who never left, he helped him open the door to a new world in the most optimistic and best way to understand him.

Let's continue to see how Jin Xiaoyu bravely stepped forward.

  If mental illness is likened to an out-of-control monster to which Jin Xiaoyu has been entangled and tortured for a long time, translation work is like a ray of light in the abyss of suffering, bringing him to hope and new life.

The strong optimism and companionship of his parents gave him the greatest strength.

  Jin Xingyong, the father of Jin Xiaoyu: You have to accept this reality. If you don’t accept the reality, your pain will follow your child’s pain. If you let go of your mind, if you are happy, the children around you will be happy too. Without you, I would not be able to take this path today.

  Jin Xiaoyu: I admire my mother. She is not tall and has great courage. She is a tiger. When she is in good health, she will do whatever she wants. For example, "just push the car if it doesn't fall down".

  "Just push the car if it doesn't fall down", Jin Xiaoyu always remembers these simple and powerful words.

His mother told him to persevere in doing things, and as long as there is still a trace of strength, he must work hard to the end.

However, Jin Xiaoyu did not expect that a strong mother would also fall ill.

Three years ago, her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. From gradually losing her memory to being bedridden and unable to take care of herself, Jin Xiaoyu, who had been cared for by her parents in the past, has been loving her mother since then.

  Zhang Jian, a police officer from the Shuangdang Nong Community of Hushu Police Station in Gongshu District, Hangzhou City: Xiaoyu took on many tasks at home when he was not sick. Because his parents were old, he did some normal household expenses. When he was sick, whenever he went to the hospital, he pushed him in a wheelchair and went with his father.

  Jin Xiaoyu: I have been taking care of my mother for the past three years. In fact, I have been learning from my father how to take care of people. For example, in the past two or three years, he chopped vegetables very finely. My mother has no teeth. , It may take more than an hour to feed her, and then give her a bath, wash her face, and wash her feet.


  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:我出院之前都不敢告诉他,打的不敢告诉他,怕他跑掉了,我也拉不动他,到了家里,进了家门,我告诉他,妈妈走了,他抱着我哭了,两个人痛哭一场。


  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:我这么大年纪,很现实的一个问题,我能做的是尽到一个父亲的责任,我能够为儿子做一些事情,我做好了我心里踏实了,大家理解我儿子的情况,现在我的想法已经实现了,我儿子交到很多比较好的朋友,能够关心他,即使我走了,我也放心了。

温暖不缺席 脚踏实地 努力生活



  杭州市拱墅区湖墅街道双荡弄社区党委书记 黄丽娜:这个我觉得对晓宇是最好的,让他重见光明不是最好吗,对不对,我们去试一下。



  金晓宇的父亲 金性勇:真的,我们家变化很大。这是我以前从来没想到过的,特别我儿子能够走到今天,走出他的困境,我更感觉到幸福了,儿子将来可以到残疾人托管中心去,托管中心是国家办的,一个月吃喝,包括看病,一千元全包了。







