News 1+1丨Hangzhou, against "Omicron"!

  From the early morning to 2 p.m. on January 27, Hangzhou added 8 new local confirmed cases. In two days, Hangzhou has reported a total of 14 local confirmed cases in this round of epidemic. In addition, there are 6 cases of initial positive infection.

It is Omicron again, what challenges and pressures are Hangzhou facing?

"News 1+1" connected with Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission, and shared attention: Hangzhou, against "Omicron"!

 Hangzhou faces "Omicron", a total of 14 local cases have been confirmed in two days

  At 10:00 p.m. on January 25, the Binjiang Branch of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine reported that among the patients in the fever clinic, 1 case of a local positive screening was found.

In the early morning of the 26th, the person was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia.

From the discovery of the first positive case to 2:00 p.m. on the 27th, in just two days, 14 local cases have been confirmed in the current round of the epidemic in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province caused by the mutant strain of Omicron.

  Most of the confirmed cases in this round of epidemic in Hangzhou are in a catering company, which has been linked to nearby communities, and 3 cases have spilled out of the province

  Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission: The current round of the epidemic in Hangzhou was caused by Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. This company has a total of 297 employees. Most of the cases found this time are employees of the company.

In addition, there are some residents of the nearby community. This community has commercial houses, restaurants, etc., and the employees of the company also go shopping and dining, so they are related to the residents of the community.

In addition, a wedding banquet was held in the neighborhood next to the company, and cases were also found during the wedding banquet.

In addition, because the company had a holiday after the year-end summary meeting on the 21st, and some employees returned to their hometowns for the holiday, 3 cases have overflowed outside the province.

Where are the 297 employees of the catering equipment company that triggered the current round of epidemic in Hangzhou?

  Xia Shichang, deputy director of Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission: Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. has a total of 297 employees, of which 240 employees are located in 12 counties and urban areas in Hangzhou, and 57 employees returned to their hometowns for the Chinese New Year. in sibling provinces.

The employees who stayed in Hangzhou were mainly concentrated in Binjiang District.

 The current confirmed cases in Hangzhou belong to a chain of transmission

  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:杭州本轮疫情现有的病例,传播链是清楚的,就是以慧而特(中国)餐饮设备有限公司员工为主,以及他们的关联人员有关。包括租住一个房间的、隔壁小区一起用餐吃饭的、一起参加婚宴的等等。虽然已经有了社区传播,但他们之间的传播链非常清晰,属于同一个传播链。


  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:杭州本次划分封控区、管控区、防范区主要考虑两个因素:以小单元划分,尽可能做到精准,同时要罩住所有危险因素。所以专家组认真分析研判后划分了三区,包括阳性感染者所在的区域都划了三区。对于餐饮设备企业留在杭州本地的240名员工,除了已经确诊的病例转入医院治疗,其他员工都作为密接隔离。另外,对于240名员工所居住的楼栋、小区或者农村的自然村都作为重点风险监测区域,这些区域人员要做到连续三天每天一次核酸检测,排除可能存在的风险。另外这些人员去过的场所,比如超市、棋牌室、影剧院等,在同一时空一段时间内伴随的人员也要进行管控。


  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:21日餐饮设备公司开年终总结会,24日首例病例感到有症状,第二天去医院主动就诊初筛阳性。我们推断他可能感染的时间是在19日,这样来看,从19日开始到病例诊断已经将近一周时间,在这一周时间可能有三代病例传播。




  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:杭州本轮疫情发生之后,对工厂进口物料、原料进行了检查,这些原料都是没有使用,还在仓库里面的,一共检测出4份双基因阳性,检测结果是奥密克戎毒株。同时也对所有阳性感染者都做了全基因测序分析,通过比对发现,与浙江省现有输入的入境人员发现的奥密克戎毒株不一样,与国内其他城市流行的、或发现的奥密克戎毒株也不一样。我们查验了世界卫生组织公布的资料,发现与国外去年12月11日上报的毒株同源性非常高,专家研判完全一致。从物料检测情况来看,我们初步认为这起疫情与境外进口物料存在密切联系。


  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:①如果要离开杭州去别的城市,建议要查验目的地的防控政策,比如是不是需要提供48小时之内有效核酸检测证明,先查清楚再出发,不然就必须在机场、火车站临时做核酸检测,可能会带来一些麻烦。②建议非必要不外出,如果有必要,还是做核酸检测,并了解自己的健康状况再出行。


  浙江省卫健委副主任 夏时畅:最想提醒大家的是,从我国进入常态化防控以后,包括从全国各地发生的本土传播疫情来看,从人传人、到物传人,以及相关污染环境导致人的感染,后两者的情况出现频率在不断增加。前不久,宁波发现从国外进口密封布料中检出病毒,所以我们要更加关注,包括境外快递、邮件等物品防控消杀,要做好相应防护措施。