Difficulty with baby

  Option one elderly belt

  Depends on family situation

  Option 2 Bring your own

  Can't work, high cost of raising

  Option 3, please ask a parenting sister

  Lack of oversight and trust mechanisms

  Option 4 Send to Nursery

  There are problems such as lack of standards, unclear responsibilities, and unclear charges

  how to break

  ■Build a group of private inclusive or public kindergarten institutions

  ■Increase support for community infant and child care services

  ■Encourage colleges and vocational schools to set up majors related to infant care


  Since the country implemented the three-child birth policy, some working couples have chosen to have one more child, while some working couples are still worried, worrying that they are too busy with work and have no time to have children.

In fact, this problem is a national problem, and Chengdu is no exception.

  So, how to solve the problem that working couples do not have time to bring children?

At the Chengdu Two Sessions in 2022, some city people's congress representatives put forward targeted suggestions on the issue of infant care management. They focused on policy guidance, carrier operation, and talent training.

In addition to the topic of infant care and childcare, some representatives of the Municipal People's Congress made suggestions on the care of children with autism and intellectual disabilities.

  Li Shan, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress:

  Working couples face the dilemma of "dare not to give birth, unwilling to give birth"

  In the context of a declining birth rate, the state introduced the three-child birth policy last year, and the population policy is "relaxing", but some working couples have concerns about "doing not dare to have children or not wanting to have children".

  "After many families have children, they are immediately faced with a very real problem. Who will bring the children before they go to kindergarten? The more traditional method is to bring the children. For parents of child-bearing age, if raising an infant requires a long-term occupation of one or even two adult laborers, the cost of raising is too high. If entrusting a child-raising sister-in-law, especially a child-raising sister-in-law from an informal institution, she is alone at home with their young children. , lack of a supervision and trust mechanism, the safety of children cannot be guaranteed.” Li Shan, a representative of the Chengdu Municipal People’s Congress, analyzed that on the one hand, the state encourages childbirth, but on the other hand, many working couples are caught in the “dare to give birth, unwilling to give birth” The dilemma of this problem needs to be solved urgently.









  其实,也有职场夫妻对长时间见不到娃表示担忧,那么,能不能提供一个和家长距离近的地方开展托育服务?“鼓励机关、企事业单位、产业功能园区等在工作场所为自己职工提供福利性婴幼儿照护服务,让职工可以上班的时候带着孩子来,下班的时候带着孩子回家。 ”李珊说。





  成都商报-红星新闻记者 叶燕 宋嘉问