Hollywood has known for a long time how to start life as a couple as romantically as possible. Actor Josh Dushamel made the most recent application to Audra Mari, who is now engaged to him, on a beach: "She found the message in a bottle that washed up on the shore and said YES," reports the


newspaper. We are impressed by the effort that Dushamel allegedly made: Did he calculate the sea currents in such a way that the message did not reach any other woman? Did he lead Mari to the exact spot where the flotsam would arrive? In


the matter is of course more mundane: Mari "discovered the question of all questions in a message in a bottle he had placed in the sand".

We're not that impressed anymore, and Dushamel is probably one of those people who quickly pull out the engagement ring hidden in the piece of cake themselves so that their sweetheart can actually find it.

At least she can't swallow him like that.

Jorg Thomann

Editor in the “Life” section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

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The gossip newspapers would be only too happy to reveal hidden things with Helene Fischer, who absolutely does not want to present her newborn child. Nevertheless,


defiantly promises

“The first photos of baby happiness” and writes on its cover: “The birth was so exciting”. But then, like elsewhere, the magazine only contains “symbolic images” of any children’s room and any babies (“Your little girl could look just as cute”) and, logically, no details about the birth. Quite similar to


and its headline “Dramatic Birth! How's the baby now?" The "true drama" for


is this: "Helene's constant effort not to let anything get out seemed almost cramped." And "withdraw completely" from the public, "she can't do that to her child in the long run".

In other words , she can't do that to us from



You want to hand out tissues.

divided society


, on the other hand, addresses the question of whether Fischer had a home birth, because this also "divides," goodness, "society". In addition to the argument about compulsory vaccination, can our country also tolerate one about home births? In


, the midwife Isabelle Tauscher speaks out: "A home birth is like a protected space - with the same people and just as intimate as the child was born." We would think and actually hope that when the child "was created", only Fischer and her partner were present - and no specially trained people were around them to ensure a happy ending if necessary with combined forces.

Harry and Meghan could soon seek their luck elsewhere, because according to


they want to sell their "12.4 million euro property in Montecito" again.

As the couple apparently only now noticed, the villa is in a "high-risk zone for major fires and mudslides" and "brown bears regularly roam the neighborhood."


knows another reason for moving

: "The Sussexes are convinced of the power of bad vibes." But shouldn't they actually also keep the brown bears away?

Perplexed universe

Actress Ursula Karven believes in good vibes: "She ordered her husband from Universum, she's convinced," writes



Karven himself explains how such an order works: “The universe doesn't understand the sentence 'I want to be happy'.

You have to say exactly what you want!” We would have thought the universe was a bit smarter.

Not with the help of the universe, but through social media, his girlfriend met Sky du Mont, who, according to


, recently said: "I definitely don't want to get back together with a woman who is 30 years younger than me." It worked: Du Mont is 74, his newcomer 52, that's only 22 years between them.

At the moment you are partnerless with Mont's colleague Tina Ruland, who expresses the


as follows: "I no longer have any stress factors at home." She should have had enough of that in the jungle camp, where she is now drawn to.

Ruland says of her 17-year-old son: "I had to promise him not to be embarrassed under any circumstances." That might be difficult, as seventeen-year-olds are already embarrassed by their parents sitting silently at their desks.

But the titles that


gives its editors are super cool: After the “financial diva”, there is now also the “


power sheriff”, who is supposed to tease climate policy.

We're already looking forward to the "Pension Avenger" and especially the "Gender Gendarme" who will eliminate evil insiders and asterisks.

According to Das Neue

, how to eliminate a failed marriage was

demonstrated by a television star who undoubtedly learned from Hollywood: "On New Year's Eve, Melanie Müller launched a rocket with her wedding ring attached." Impressive, but we can't approve of it: In the end, firecrackers were banned.