[Explanation] A few days ago, in the "Tianshui Ancient City" in Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu, Zhang Zhaojie, a "post-90s" craftsman, inherited the bamboo weaving skills of his ancestors and made a teacup-sized bamboo thermos bottle and a pen-holder-sized back basket into "personal customization" of bamboo handicrafts, and sell them all over the country through the Internet and brick-and-mortar stores.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Zhaojie, a traditional bamboo weaving craftsman in Qinzhou, Tianshui

  In 2019, it was about three or four million (RMB), mainly in terms of economic sources.

  [Explanation] From an indispensable production tool for farming culture to an old object that has been placed in museums in recent years as a nostalgic object, and has accompanied the Chinese working people for thousands of years of production and life, Zhang Zhaojie is about to fade out of people's sight. Miniature creative exploration restores its practical value and becomes a "rare thing" in modern life.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Zhaojie, a traditional bamboo weaving craftsman in Qinzhou, Tianshui

  In the impression of many people, bamboo weaving is produced in the south, and many people do not believe that we also have good bamboo weaving in the north, and finally found that we have a factory of our own, and I am doing it myself.

  [Explanation] In recent years, Zhang Zhaojie and his ancestors have transformed bamboo baskets, bamboo sieves, bamboo baskets, bamboo brooms, back baskets, dustpans, bamboo granaries and other rough and cumbersome bamboo woven farm tools into more than 40 kinds of small, exquisite and hand-made agricultural tools. New food containers, home crafts, etc., this "nostalgia that can be brought home" not only inherits the farming culture, but also finds a new way out for the increasingly depressed traditional bamboo weaving industry, increasing the income of local farmers during their slack farming.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Zhaojie, a traditional bamboo weaving craftsman in Qinzhou, Tianshui

  Hand-made things have a soul, which is different from machines. There is another one. If it is said that the whole village is doing it, I am also happy.

The main thing is to look at the time of the farmer. If he is busy, he is busy with his own work. In his spare time, he can work for me.

  [Explanation] Zhang Zhaojie said that young people are reluctant to learn and inherit bamboo weaving skills. This traditional skill is in a state of inexorability. Only a few middle-aged and elderly people are still insisting on it. Zhang Zhaojie's ancestors and fathers are among them.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Zhaojie, a traditional bamboo weaving craftsman in Qinzhou, Tianshui

  Craftsmanship is not just about us, it is the same wherever you are, it is about facing a fault, this stage.

Because many people are unwilling to do it because the price cannot be sold, and it is very labor-intensive.

  [Commentary] Zhang Zhaojie introduced that in addition to bamboo weaving in physical stores, he will also take time to give live broadcasts of farming culture through the Internet. Netizens also like it, and hope that bamboo weaving creative works can have more personalized trends, but at present he What I worry about is not the market, but the supply issue.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Zhaojie, a traditional bamboo weaving craftsman in Qinzhou, Tianshui

  They all like it very much, but that is to say, on our side, the output cannot be increased yet.

  [Explanation] In the end, Zhang Zhaojie said that he hopes to gradually attract back the bamboo weaving craftsmen who have left to solve this problem.

  Reporter Li Yalong Feng Zhijun reported from Tianshui, Gansu

Responsible editor: [Yu Xiao]