Benjamin Flao, freedom along the water

Cover of Benjamin Flao's new comic strip "The Water Age" published by Futuropolis editions.

© Futuropolis editions

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

1 min

A flooded world, where there is no recession.

A family that refuses to obey the government injunction.

Benjamin Flao publishes Futuropolis, an anticipatory story with very current and personal concerns.


"It's slowly starting to sound like a nightmare.

An air-conditioned, secure, clogged and watertight nightmare to the point of forgetting that the water is rising ”.

It is by these words that the reader is warned from the back cover which also evokes a world which "supposedly crumbles".

When we open the album, we discover a world in which the water has risen, without the slightest hope of recession.

This is where the characters of Benjamin Flao evolve, a family whose members try to live in peace and freedom without leaving the water's edge, despite the injunctions of the authorities.

"The water age" the first volume of

Benjamin Flao

 comes out this Wednesday at Futuropolis editions.


 Since yesterday, the African Cup of Nations has been played in Cameroon.

An event eagerly awaited by Cameroonians after the first competition of this scale organized by the country, more than 50 years ago.

It was in 1972. On this occasion the former glories in music and football met in Yaoundé at the end of the week to initiate a campaign to promote peace, racism in and outside the stadiums throughout this CAN. .

A meeting which 

Fabien Essiane

also attended . 


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