Symptoms of high cholesterol.. Two warning signs in the face

High LDL cholesterol can pave the way for a heart attack, so stopping high cholesterol levels is critical to your life. Although high cholesterol is usually characterized by the absence of symptoms, there are two warning signs you can spot by looking at your face>

Unfortunately, your body doesn't usually alert you to high cholesterol levels, so the only way to know if you have these levels is to get a blood test, and occasionally tell-tale signs of high cholesterol can appear on your face.

Doctor Gary Bartlett told the British newspaper "Express" that there are two specific signs that you may have high cholesterol levels when you look at your face, and they are:

  • A buildup of fatty deposits on your eyelids, and clear yellow waxy deposits of cholesterol

  • Corneal arch, which is cholesterol deposits that appear in an arc in the colored part of your eye.

How to lower bad cholesterol

The NHS notes that in addition to taking the medication prescribed by a doctor to lower LDL cholesterol, diet will be important, along with medication.

According to the Mayo Clinic website, saturated fats should be replaced with unsaturated fats wherever possible, while the British Cholesterol Association notes that many foods contain saturated fats, especially animal foods such as meat, butter and dairy products, and foods made from them such as cakes and biscuits, as well as olive oil. Coconut and palm oil.

Good sources of unsaturated fats include vegetable fats, oily fish, nuts and seeds.

Saturated fats should make up no more than a third of your daily energy intake, and regular exercise is an integral part of lowering high cholesterol levels


The NHS recommends at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, whether walking fast enough Until your heart starts beating faster, go swimming or cycling.

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