A flock of birds in the shape of a spoon.. an image that amazes the world

A photograph taken of a moment forming a flock of spoon-shaped birds has garnered admirers from all over the world.

A photographer specializing in wildlife photography captured the wonderful picture of the flock of birds that gathered in flight in the form of a spoon with a pile of sugar.

The image was formed during what is known as "bird swaying", where thousands of starlings fly and gather in groups.

Photographer Albert Kechet also took what appeared to be a bending of a spoon, and posted his photos on social media.

Keshet took the photo in the early morning while he was going on an expedition to photograph wild plants and birds.

The pictures caught the attention of a famous TV performer, Uri Geller, who was famous for his ability to bend spoons with his fingers in an extraordinary way, who liked the picture and put it in his museum.

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