An amazing fruit that burns body fat


Visceral fat poses a health threat because it encases vital organs located in the center of the body. Fortunately, researchers have made great leaps to identify foods that offer the most powerful fat-burning qualities. One study showed that a single fruit full of vitamins can help burn 30 percent of fat during exercise. Which is the kiwi fruit.

The risks associated with visceral fat generally include cardiovascular disease.

When these fat molecules are concentrated in the depths of the abdominal cavity, they release dangerous chemicals that increase the risk of a heart attack, and in return, some foods rich in vitamins and minerals that the body needs help burn these fats, for example, kiwi fruit that helps reduce waist circumference. significantly over 12 weeks.

According to a report by the newspaper "Express", kiwi fruit boosts metabolism because it is an excellent source of antioxidants known to promote longevity.

According to studies published in the journal Nutrients, kiwi fruit may also help regulate blood sugar, is rich in beneficial nutrients and an excellent source of vitamins, and contains levels of vitamin C that are higher than any other fruit, with just one pill providing 40 percent of the intake. It also contains Vitamin C which has many health benefits including fat burning properties.

Some research shows that eating higher levels of vitamin C can help oxidize 30 percent more fat during exercise, compared to those with lower levels of vitamin C.

The authors of one study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, found that a depleted vitamin C status may make individuals more resistant to losing fat mass. Researchers have also demonstrated that vitamin C can help regulate blood sugar absorption, helping diabetics manage their condition.

The study continued: "Kiwi fruit can significantly reduce the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, which prevents the rise of insulin after eating."

Among the other advantages of kiwi fruit is that it contains vitamins and polyphenols, and it has strong antioxidant effects, giving it a protective effect against the growth of cancer cells.

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