The best food to reduce the risk of diabetes

Amazing benefits of young green cabbage

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels, and it occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, and unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle, especially relying on cheap and easily available vegetables In most stores, vegetables help control your glucose levels.

Dr Sarah Brewer, an expert in type 2 diabetes, told The Express that Brussels sprouts (small green cabbage) can help manage blood glucose levels.

The doctor explained that it is possible to control blood sugar levels through simple diet choices, pointing out that Brussels sprouts maintain healthy glucose levels and help slow the rise in glucose levels after eating when included in the meal.

She explained that the main thing about vegetables is the fiber that moves slowly through our bodies and can slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood, thus this mechanism helps improve blood sugar levels.

Aside from the fiber, she added, Brussels sprouts also contain key vitamins, folic acid, minerals including potassium, calcium and manganese as well as antioxidants.

She explained that one study showed that an antioxidant found in green cabbage sprouts called alpha-lipoic acid allows insulin to work more efficiently to lower blood sugar.

How to prepare green cabbage to enjoy its benefits

The doctor recommended sticking to the raw, slightly cooked or boiled version of Brussels sprouts, in order to maintain its properties that contribute to controlling blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of diabetes.

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