An Iraqi vegetable seller has become a celebrity and leads the "trend"

The Iraqi youth, Karar Nouri, led the trend, through social media, and social media sites in Iraq, after achieving his dream.

Nouri waited for a long time, to be able recently to reach his dream, which is to enter the world of art.

Karar Nouri, is an Iraqi young man, no more than 22 years old, and works in the profession of selling vegetables, to secure his livelihood.

Nouri has great responsibilities, foremost of which is to support his family, who are waiting for him to get what he gets from selling vegetables, to secure their food.

The young man says that he loves the profession of art and singing, adding that this was born in him by instinct, since he was found in this world.

Nouri pointed out that he always takes the initiative to play the oud, and even does so while selling vegetables, because of his great love for this profession.

The Iraqi artistic community did not hear Karar's voice, and did not even take the initiative to give him the opportunity, despite the young man's attempts to contact the Artists Syndicate.

But the dream must come true, even if it is not from the gate of adults and celebrities, the most important here is to draw a road map towards the goal.

And about Karrar’s dream, young Iraqis who run a Facebook page called “Neocracy” filmed a clip of the young man singing.

The video spread on that page, to be the surprise here, that the recording became very popular, and the trend was among the pioneers of social media.

As a result, the Iraqi media began to turn towards this young man, who always made his best efforts among the vegetable baskets to achieve his dream.

According to the recording published by the "New Socratic" page, it was found that Nuri possesses a distinctive vocal quality, in addition to his talent for playing the oud.

After Nouri released the trend in Iraq, many Iraqi artists and composers took the initiative to appear with him with excerpts from his songs.

It should be noted that this short video, via the Facebook page, contributed to changing the life of Nouri, who began his first steps in the world of celebrity.

As the number of his followers on his Instagram account reached more than 3000 followers, a few hours after his story spread.

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