salt and sugar

Cruel scenario

Youssef Al-Ahmad

twitter: @yousif_alahmed

December 15 2021

The painful fall in which our national team fell in the quarter-finals of the Arab Cup, came as a painful shock, and the unfortunate end that most pessimists did not expect, as it did not happen throughout the history of Al-Abyad and his career, he was exposed to that result in one run, even when he is in his worst and weakest condition, no matter how harsh it is. The circumstances and reasons could have been better than that, and he could have come out with his head held high.

Despite the contrasting team's appearance in the first round, and the breath of optimism that prevailed after the Tunisia match, no one had thought of that harsh scenario, and that free surrender, which did not record a single injury in the opponent's net as a minimum estimate to save face and cast ashes in Al-Ayoun.

Undoubtedly, this failure is an extension of the crisis situation and meager results since the World Cup qualifiers. The uneven performance and volatility reflect an aspect of instability and technical decline after it became an imprinted feature in the form and image of the team that has shaken confidence among its fans, making it permanently anxious and suspicious, even if He excelled on some shy occasions.In view of these results and the degree of boiling and anger from them, it is not possible to drop the guilt on the shoulders of the players alone, especially since the relative capabilities and capabilities that they enjoy are unquestionable, as they are no less efficient and skill than their counterparts in other teams, which gives them the ability and strength to keep pace and excel over them. However, there is something that freezes these ingredients and causes them to wither from one scene to another, as a result of several reasons, the most prominent of which may be the technical handling and the efficiency of the appropriate reading for each opponent, in addition to the quality and speed of the decision when the transformations that occur during the course of these confrontations, which require present insight, and dealing Firmly to curb that ferocity that sometimes confines us to a narrow area of ​​the rectangle, and the pressure and confusion that it generates for the back line, then disrupt the impenetrable fortification later on, and hit it from every direction.Hence, the treatment will not come with topical analgesics as much as it will be by eradicating the disease from its roots. We are in front of a sick spherical situation in which there is no longer room for endoscopy and procrastination, either a serious reform of the system or not.

It is true that there is a drawn vision, available tools, and present capabilities, but this should be employed and adapted away from the class of clubs and the decision velvet that has exhausted our national team over the past years.

Yes, the Qatar meeting was pivotal and an opportunity to go far, but what did you do, Marvik?

• It did not happen throughout Al-Abyad's career that he was exposed to that result in one half.

Twitter: @Yousif_alahmed

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twitter: @yousif_alahmed