Europe 1 12:55 p.m., December 12, 2021

Every Sunday in the Sunday Table, Laurent Mariotte, his columnists and his guests give us their best recipes.

Ingredients for 5 people:

Beet: 2 pieces

Pumpkin: ¼ piece

Red onions: 3 pieces

Orange: 1 piece

Lime: 1 piece

Sumac: 1 teaspoon sumac

Nigella seeds: 1 teaspoon

Scrunchie: 50g

Mint: 1 branch

Olive oil: 4 tablespoons

Recipe :

Raise the orange segments and collect the juice with the peelings

Cut the beets into quarters (6 or 8 depending on the size)

Cut the red onions into 6, mix with the beets and orange juice, cover and bake at 180 ° for 15 min.

Finely cut the squash with the skin with a mandolin, zest the lime and squeeze the juice over it, add the sumac and olive oil, leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

Relax the tahini with 4 tablespoons of water, add the pumpkin marinade juice

Arrange on a plate, starting with the tahini, then the vegetables and finish with the mint, the Nigella seeds and the scrunchies