Using human iPS cells, etc., create a cell mass that is seen in the early stage when a fertilized egg becomes a foetation, and reproduce how the cell mass implants in an artificially created tissue similar to the uterus. The Austrian research group announced that it was successful.

This research was carried out by a group of researchers Harunobu Kagawa and leader Nicholas Libron of the Institute for Molecular Biological Engineering, Austrian Academy of Sciences, and published in the scientific journal "Nature".

The research group cultivates human iPS cells and ES cells, which become various tissues of the body, by adding substances that promote cell differentiation, and is like a "blastocyst" in the early stage about 5 days after fertilization. I made a mass of cells.

This cell mass is about the same size as a blastocyst formed from a normal fertilized egg, and the genes expressed at this stage are almost the same, so it is thought that it has the function of a blastocyst. That is.

In addition, the cell mass adhered to an artificially created tissue that resembled the endometrium of the human uterus, allowing it to recreate the initial state of implantation.

According to the international bioethics guidelines, the research group stopped culturing at the stage from fertilization to the 13th day, but it is said that it will lead to elucidation of the cause of infertility and research on treatment.

Researcher Kagawa said, "It is significant to be able to analyze the early stages of fertilized egg growth with human cells. To elucidate the mechanism of cyst development and implantation, and to improve the success rate of in vitro fertilization. I want to connect. "

Regarding this research, Professor Yoshimi Yashiro of Kanagawa University of Health Services, who is familiar with regenerative medicine and the relationship between research and society, said, "It is difficult to follow the developmental process in which humans grow from fertilized eggs, but without destroying the fertilized eggs. If it can be confirmed with iPS cells, it will be possible to study the developmental process while alleviating ethical problems. "

On the other hand, since such research may lead to the birth of life, bioethical issues are also pointed out, but Professor Yashiro said, "In this research, returning the blastocyst into the human uterus , We have not cultivated fertilized eggs for more than 14 days, and we are considering the traditional values ​​and social ethics. "

On top of that, "There are many people who suffer from infertility and those who suffer from illnesses that occur in the middle of development, and research should be conducted, but when such research progresses further in the future, social consensus and consensus are needed, and society and research Dialogue is important. "