Because dozens of camel owners are said to have helped their animals look good with cosmetic interventions, they were excluded from a beauty contest in Saudi Arabia.

The state news agency SPA reported that 43 camels were affected.

They had been injected with botox and tightened their skin in order to meet “current beauty standards”.

In order to uncover the artificial embellishments, the animals were x-rayed, among other things.

According to the report, the interventions violate the rules of the beauty contest in the rich Gulf state.

In addition, potential buyers would be deceived about the real appearance of the camels.

The owners of the affected animals are now threatened with penalties.

Every year the "King Abdulasis Camel Festival" in Saudi Arabia not only hosts acrobatic shows and camel races.

Even the most beautiful animal is crowned.

According to local media reports, the owner can look forward to prize money equivalent to around 58 million euros.

The judges rated the camels, among other things, according to the shape of their humps and their posture.