5 minutes

Your day reflects your life


Alaa Jarrad


December 06, 2021

As we are on the cusp of 2022, may God make it a happy and better year than previous years. I saw in this article that I touch on a topic that some neglect, and that I seize the opportunity for many of us to make pledges on ourselves to start something new, or stop a certain habit, where many tend to start Change initiatives with the beginning of the new year.

A good idea summed up by the American writer Annie Dillard is that the way we spend our day is the same way we spend our lives.

If we deal with the day passively and indolently and waste time in all directions, this is how our life will be, but if we pay attention to the importance of the day, and appreciate every hour in it, and take advantage of it, whether to accomplish a work or task, or spend time with our loved ones, or help others, or learn something new Our lives will go on like this, simply because our days shape our lives.

Of course, it is not objective to judge by one day, but overall this is the idea, so there is an excellent and proven way to treat the day and time as if it were a budget of money, we have 24 hours that can be divided into three parts, one part sleep for sure, and part work and production, And part for the rest of the activities and social duties, as well as the spiritual and faith side.

It is easy to say, but it is indeed possible on one condition, which is perseverance and perseverance, meaning that we do not get excited for days and lose enthusiasm after that. In order for this plan to succeed, we must know how we “spend” our time, and thus check the practices that steal a large part of our time, the first of which is browsing without a goal, whether browsing social media, news, or even television. If we get rid of the pointless browsing habit, it will give us a great deal of time that can be well invested.

To follow our daily activities, and set a time for each activity, there are several very useful mobile applications, most of which are available for free, including an application that helped me a lot called Toggle Track, where you can enter the tasks you are working on and then record the start time, and it will give you statistics for the time you spend working on That task, another very useful application called Trello to record your thoughts and to-do list of things to do, and those that have been done or are in progress, the third application is easier and very simple as if you are using a small notebook to record your tasks, its name is 3 things or three things, and it is really just a page It records three things that you want to accomplish during the day, and it is really useful, as it helps those who have a lot of tasks and are confused in choosing a task to start working on, and in the end they avoid all tasks and find any excuse to waste their time. The three applications are available for free on the Google and Apple stores.

The process of recording what we want to accomplish, and allocating a specific time to complete it, helps us to adhere to the tasks, and even if we do not accomplish it, we will know the percentage of delay and measure the time in all cases, so what is not measured cannot be improved.

The process of recording what we want to accomplish and allocating a specific time to get it done, helps us to stick to the tasks.



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