The PNV closed its eighth General Assembly yesterday, revealing

an almost unprecedented concern in the nationalist formation


The tectonic movements that are taking place in Basque politics and the

sanchismo's commitment to whitewashing Bildu and reinforcing ETA's heirs as privileged interlocutors

, have set off alarms in a PNV that is increasingly fearful of being moved the chair.

Its president,

Andoni Ortuzar

, had to try too hard to claim the «

influence »they exert on national politics.

And it is that his words came after an unfortunate week for the PNV, in which

Otegi and his people had been ahead of them in supporting the State Budgets

and, anticipating the green light of ERC, they drew a panorama in which the peneuvistas were no longer necessary.

There have already been other moments in this legislature in which Moncloa has made an effort to seduce the left


to generate jealousy in a PNV that has sustained its electoral success all these decades in possessing the key to Spanish governance.

This has allowed, on the one hand,

shamelessly blackmail successive governments

and, on the other, to appear in the Basque Country as

the guarantor of the privileged self-government


Peneuvistas are terrified of losing that advantageous position.

And at the same time,

see the chair in Vitoria also endangered


Although there is still almost a year and a half left for the municipal and provincial elections, and more for the regional elections, the PNV has resentment for

a possible tripartite alliance of the left -Bildu, PSOE and Podemos- that unseat him


Until recently, it was unthinkable for the Socialists to rely on ETA's heirs, who continue to apologize for the gang's criminal record.

But sanchismo has swept away all moral and ethical scruples in an exercise of mere political survival and has shown in Navarra and, as we see almost daily, in Madrid, that

no longer disgusts the compadreo with Bildu


And this changes everything.

Nervousness is leading the PNV to make mistakes such as

wine war


The cacicada to promote a denomination of Rioja Alavesa within that of Rioja, which would guarantee nationalism control of the regulatory council of this sub-denomination, has so far ended in failure.

But the way things are

the party may be tempted to fall into radicalization to try to dispute Bildu's space


In this assembly they have emphasized "the institutionalization of the right to decide."

As much as this sounds like a rattle, the peneuvistas want to reactivate the self-government update by pressing harder now that there is still such a weak government in Moncloa.

The PNV would do well in

learn from the lesson of what happened to Convergència in Catalonia after decades of hegemony in nationalism


In a scenario of radicalization, those who are naturally more radical always have the winners, call yourselves ERC, call yourselves Bildu.

It would be better for the PNV to solve sometime the dilemma of the couch of its two opposing souls.

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