Yoga therapist: In addition to yoga, he is also a "psychologist"

  A few days ago, the TV series "Female Psychologist" is on the air. Mental health, like physical health, is receiving more and more attention.

In the play, He Dun, a young psychological counselor, has to make professional and mature responses to visitors with complex psychological problems.

A reporter from the Yangtze Evening News learned that a new job similar to a "psychologist" is currently popular among urban white-collar workers.

  "Currently, there are not many yogis who can do this line, and the requirements for practitioners are very high." Zi Yi is a healer in a yoga studio in Nanjing. "Yoga healing focuses on'healing', which is simply to solve people's psychology. On the issue." It sounds like a cloud, what kind of profession is this?

The reporter will take you to learn more.

  Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Xu Yuanyuan

  "Modern people have a fast pace of life, and they are very anxious about many things." Zi Yi said, "Many times, busy work and family pressure, one thing after another makes everyone unable to breathe. Many social problems and Psychological problems have also arisen from this.” Zi Yi said that the purpose of many people doing yoga is to practice a good figure at first, but the "function" of the healers is not limited to this. For the healers, Practice is secondary. It is not the main purpose that an action is not standardized. It is their task to make the heart "quiet".

  "You can look at your emotions objectively when you are calm." Zi Yi said, "For example, if a mother always yells at her child at home, or threatens her child often, the child is under a lot of pressure and the parent-child relationship is also very tense. If the mother can Calm down, be able to face up to your emotions and treat this matter objectively. Even if the mother may not have a lot of knowledge, she can calmly deal with the relationship with the child." Zi Yi feels that she is now doing "psychological healing" "The biggest problem for people who are "lost themselves" is that they are blinded by comparisons and desires, and ignore the wind in their ears, the flowers around them, the earth under their feet, and finally ignore themselves.

  So how do you "quiet" yourself?

"Healers" do a lot of work.

The reporter saw that the healers also used many psychology scenes at the scene.

For example, the layout of the environment needs to be in line with the environmental psychology scene, and the therapist must know how to let people feel themselves through the comprehensive coordination of breathing and movement.

The healer also needs to know how to use sound, environment and other comprehensive means to achieve the effect of a "psychologist": "For example, we also need to take everyone to arrange flower arrangements, enjoy food, and embrace nature..."

  Yoga therapist Liu Fang told reporters that, of course, a yoga healer must first be a "generalist". Not only must he pass the instructor certificate, he must also learn the knowledge of muscle anatomy, understand the structure of the body, and postures in this way. Activate the muscles of the body more precisely.

In addition, yoga therapists also need to help everyone breathe accurately, and use more specific psychological methods to help everyone adjust their inner emotions.

Instead of simply playing a piece of music, and then telling everyone, "Come, come with me, breathe and breathe."

  "If a person is standing in front of you and he needs to lose weight, how sure are you? He wants to use yoga practice to improve shoulder and neck pain, what can you do? In reality, these problems cannot be solved by just a few words. Yes, you must have a practical plan and give an exact response. Psychological healing also depends on the individual’s cultural background, knowledge and emotional value, is good at communicating and discovering problems, and can teach people to relax and accept."