, Hong Kong, November 28. Yang Runxiong, Director of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, wrote an article on the Internet on the 28th and revealed that the "Values ​​Education Curriculum Framework" (Trial Version) will be released for schools to adopt in a short period of time to make it more comprehensive and systematic Strengthen the promotion of values ​​education.

  Yang Runxiong said that values ​​education is not only an important and continuous school education work, but also involves family education, public education and the establishment of a social atmosphere.

  He pointed out that in recent years, there have been various unhealthy trends in society, such as indulging in online games, spreading false, misleading and hate-inducing information on the Internet, bad sexual information and temptation, which have affected some young people to indulge in pleasure, misbelieve and leave the truth. He felt very sad for the crooked road and the loss of confidence in the future.

The recent emergence of "flatness doctrine" is even more worrying. This kind of negative life mentality is prone to depressing people and will stifle social progress in the long run.

Yang Runxiong believes that it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine, strengthen the education of values, and support students to establish positive thinking.

  Yang Runxiong mentioned that the Education Bureau has been actively promoting values ​​education in different learning areas. The school curriculum review task force submitted directional recommendations to the Education Bureau in September last year, including giving priority to values ​​education.

He revealed that the "Values ​​Education Standing Committee" (Standing Committee) of the Curriculum Development Council will announce the "Values ​​Education Curriculum Framework" (trial version) for schools to adopt in the short term.

  Yang Runxiong said that the Standing Committee will increase the value of primary cultivation and put forward learning expectations in different areas and stages of learning, such as establishing a national concept from an early age, strengthening law-abiding awareness, media and information literacy, life education, sex education and anti-drug education, etc., to help schools Determine the learning focus of students.

He believes that values ​​education emphasizes perception and practice. Schools should arrange diversified learning experiences to allow students to practice, practice service, and study diligently. From this experience and self-examination, they can gradually establish positive values ​​and become a quality new generation for the family. , Society and the country.
