Learn about the benefits and harms of onions

The Russian nutrition expert, Maria Tikhomirova, revealed the beneficial properties of onions, warning at the same time of diseases in which it is not permissible for people to eat onions.

"Onions have many beneficial properties, and they have antibacterial and antiviral effects. They also contain sulfur that helps remove toxins. Onions are also a good source of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. It stimulates digestion and removes excess fluid," Tikhomerova said.

According to RIA Novosti, the Russian expert indicated that "the antioxidant quercetin in onions is useful during cancer and allergies. In addition, onions improve sperm quality."

She added, "But people with stomach and duodenal ulcers should eat onions with caution."

Onions have aesthetic benefits, as they reduce the appearance of acne, increase the freshness of the skin, and make it more beautiful.

It also reduces the appearance of signs of aging.

It also maintains the natural hair color and limits hair damage and loss, and reduces the appearance of dandruff on the scalp.

Among the damages of onions, it lowers blood sugar, especially for diabetics, so it is not recommended to eat it frequently for diabetics.

It also greatly irritates the skin, increases the acidity of the stomach, and thus can lead to nausea and vomiting.

It also increases the sensitivity of the body, especially for people who take onions with aspirin.

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