It is difficult to find a more eloquent example of the disintegrating drift that Sanchismo is impressing on the country in exchange for its perpetuation.

The government's dependence on nationalist votes is so fierce that neither the president nor the minister of the branch have so far been able to publicly and clearly reject the plan of Basque nationalism to

divide the emblematic denomination of origin of Rioja


The PNV registered in July 2020 the proposal to change the law that regulates denominations

It is of supra-autonomous territorial origin.

The objective of the nationalists is to promote a Rioja Alavesa own denomination within the Rioja denomination

which would guarantee the control of the regulatory council of this sub-denomination without having to go through the demanding quality standards that the brand requires.

The maneuver detaches all the vices inherent in nationalism: search for privilege to the detriment of equality, particularistic pettiness and

willful harm to the interests of a pre-existing and larger community


Until now, Minister Luis Planas had opposed this break in the Rioja denomination.

The president of La Rioja, the socialist Concha Andreu, has also spoken out against her, aware that she will never be able to present herself to the people of La Rioja with a convincing explanation if her party gives in to the PNV's purposes regarding the wine industry as it has already done. in Navarra with the imposition of Basque.

The parliamentary initiative will be debated next Tuesday and

Nobody rules out the support of the socialist bench for this chieftain of the PNV


Through which nationalists hope to circumvent the probable objections of the European Union, the ultimate authority on denominations on the continent.

For the EU, of course, the viticultural unit prevails over politics.

An administrative border cannot break the nature of a vineyard.

This disturbing episode, in full budget negotiation,

reveals the high political price - in addition to the economic one - that all Spaniards are paying

for the parliamentary alliances of Pedro Sánchez.

Its weakness always translates into the granting of new asymmetric perks that weaken the cohesion of the State and devalue even such reputable country brands as Rioja wine.

By satisfying the identity expansionism of a government partner, the productive fabric of another region is put at risk, which, lacking nationalist training from which to blackmail the Executive,

is left in a situation of inferiority and injury


The perverse incentive generated by this parliamentary logic is once again in view: invertebrate and cantonal Spain.

The centrifugation of the nation is always followed by the expansion of inequality and the retrograde return of caciquismo.

This is not a long-term state policy.

It is an auction of the common for the sake of survival in power

of a party that has decided to betray, one after another, the three surnames of its acronym.

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