HBO, Netflix, Amazon, Disney ... the streaming services are becoming more and more and want new series and movies.

Demand has now become so high that filmmakers can barely meet it.

Nicklas Wikström Nicastro is the CEO of the production company behind the successful series Fast Cash.

He tells SVT Kulturnyheterna that the company has lists of hundreds of employees that they call, but that everyone is busy.

- There are too few screenwriters, producers, photographers ... you name it.

The pressure is harder for everyone, he says and describes that the work environment risks becoming unsustainable.

"Global shortage of skilled film workers"

The news agency Reuters interviews several Eastern European film producers and workers who also describe them that the industry is looking for people with lights and lanterns.

- Content production is booming right now, everyone is creating content: from Netflix to Amazon and HBO.

The result for us is of course fantastic, we have lots of jobs.

But it is a challenge to find artists who are capable of doing the job.

There is a global shortage of skilled film workers, says Geoff Case, CEO of the production company Dazzle Pictures.

In the video you can see the whole interview with Nicklas Wikström Nicastro.