• The 1,000 episode of the “One Piece” series was broadcast Sunday in simulcast on Crunchyroll and DNA, and exclusively on TV on J-ONE.

  • Eiichirō Oda's manga and its animated adaptation have accompanied fans for more than 20 years and have left a lasting mark on imaginations and pop culture.

  • Another event on December 8, with the release of volume 100 at Glénat.

Marie has been a

One Piece


for 15 years now: “I started when I was in 6th grade and I still haven't dropped out.

The Straw Hat Crew has helped me get through some tough times in my life, and I like to learn from the lessons given in this manga ”.

At 27 today, she did not miss the indoor marathon, on the occasion of the broadcast of the 1,000th episode of the animated series: "The atmosphere is always excellent and we all vibrate at the same pace or laugh. all shattering together in these moments, and it's really magical!

She also did not fail, like many others, to respond to our call for testimonies on the

One Piece



Thanks again.

"I much prefer the manga because the anime drags on"

Another woman, Clarisse, 26, discovered

One Piece

as a teenager thanks to her little brother, a manga enthusiast. "Me, I only read novels, and I was initially put off by the format, before taking a passion for Luffy's adventures," she says. I started watching the anime soon after, but didn't see all of the episodes, only some of the arcs. "

"I much prefer the manga," she continues, "because I find that the anime clearly lags behind, the fault of a desire to never stop to wait for the manga to progress.

As a result, the plot is stretched and it gives globally frustrating episodes, as well as


arcs that are

not always relevant or interesting.

Despite everything, the anime has improved a lot in terms of the quality of the drawing, the characters are very endearing and the introductory music is always nice.


"The animated, it is to feel the emotions of the characters"

The testimonials received are often long, passionate, true love letters.

Especially for manga, but also for anime.

Lucas, 19, has been watching the anime every Sunday since a day of elementary school where he surprised his big brother in front.

“Many will say that the manga version is superior to the animated version, but what I like in the animated ones is to feel the emotions of the work, of the characters,” he explains.

Anthony, 31, prefers “the finesse of the lines of the paper manga, where you play your life on each square.

But animation often helps fill in some gaps or put a shot in perspective that we didn't notice in the print manga.

This is undoubtedly a plus for appreciating the work as a whole.


Over 950 episodes in a few months

If many fans follow

One Piece

, manga and animated, from the beginning, and often their childhood or adolescence, like Christophe, Quentin or Paul, others have recently discovered it and prove that it is not necessary to have (too much) afraid of the 1,000 chapters of the manga and as many episodes of the series.

Gianni, 27, did not get started until the beginning of the year: “I immediately hooked up and watched 950 episodes in a few months.

This is not a manga like the others, the characters are endearing and there are a lot of life lessons, memorable moments.

Each character has a story, a liability, something to share, and each adventure has its own set of twists and events.

It is without a doubt the most gripping series I know, and I hope it will continue for a long time to come.


The current arc is a pivotal moment in "One Piece"

“No matter the situation, the place, or even my emotional state, throughout the past 24 years,

One Piece

has always been with me,” writes Manu, 35 with passion.

I laughed and cried and grew up with these characters and this universe, and probably acquired certain traits of my personality or ways of thinking from

One Piece


I started with the manga, and only watched the anime from the Davy Back Fight arc.

But my favorite arc will probably remain Alabasta, given that this is where we discover Ace and leave Vivi, two of my heart characters.


As Clarisse concedes, it's hard to find one moment or clear arc above the others, although she has always liked those of Alabasta and Enies Lobby a lot. And Dressrosa, too. For Lucas, the Marine Ford arc surpasses all others, with a merciless battle. Anthony votes for the Water Seven arc because it "demonstrates the strength of the bond that unites the crew and shows us for the first time extremely different feelings for Luffy".

But all agree that the current arc, the Land of the Wazas, clearly represents "a pivotal moment in

One Piece

, as it really marks the end of the story after almost 25 years of adventure, with the most big stake - to beat two Emperors - never faced by the crew ”, comments Clarisse.

Marie adds: “I am sad that this manga is entering its final arc, but I expect something grand to conclude this monumental work.



"One Piece": Eiichiro Oda's manga reaches its 1,000th chapter, and will nothing be the same?


Culture Pass: “One Piece”, “Demon Slayer”, “Attack on Titan”… The 12 best-selling books are manga

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