The general election of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be held on December 19. The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carrie Lam said in a meeting with the media on November 23 that to facilitate Hong Kong people in mainland China to vote, he is actively studying that the polling day will be in the closed Hong Kong. Polling stations are set up at land border control points.

Hong Kong people who voted at these special polling stations on that day must register in advance.

  Carrie Lam pointed out that setting up polling stations at closed land border control points is a one-time special convenience measure. Hong Kong people will be exempted from quarantine or medical surveillance for 14 days after they set foot in Hong Kong to vote and return to the Mainland.

Taking into account the requirements for epidemic prevention, the entire voting process is closed-loop. Those who came to the Hong Kong jurisdiction to vote at a special temporary polling station on that day are not allowed to leave the station or walk into the community. They must return to the mainland immediately after voting.

(Reporter Liang Yuan produced Liu Yinghan video source from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Information Service)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]