Chinanews client, Beijing, November 23 (Reporter Ren Siyu) In the slightly unpopular November movie market, a small-cost domestic film suddenly became a dark horse at the box office.

  According to the professional version of Maoyan, on the evening of November 22, the cumulative box office of the movie "Fame" officially exceeded 400 million. Under the pressure of the release of multiple new films, it won the single-day box office champion for several consecutive days, and the Douban score reached 7.6, showing The new style of domestic suspense comedy.

  "Ten projects and nine are cool, business investment is normal." This classic line also became popular with the film. How did "Famous Li Wan" stand out during the period?

"Famous Li Wan" stills

Inverted group performance

  The setting of the story of "Famous and Establishing Ten Thousands" is like a "script killing": In Shanghai during the Republic of China, a group of unscrupulous filmmakers were summoned by a tycoon to a mysterious villa called a film planning meeting. A major murder that caused a sensation.

  And just as they discussed more and more intensely, hoping to use a shocking blockbuster film to become famous, but they didn't know that the "murderer" had also come to the scene, and everyone stepped into a huge puzzle.

"Famous Li Wan" stills

  The team of "Report the Boss", coupled with the integration of multiple elements such as the Republic of China, suspense, and comedy, made the first half of "Famous" constantly laughed. The main creator also incorporated deep insights into film creation in the process of shaking up the burden.

  The continuous reversal is a highlight of this movie.

"Famous and Establishing Ten Thousands" while shaping the characters of different characters, it also has an ingenious plot structure design. The play in the play, the case in the case, the game in the game, and the outsider are intertwined. The plot has been reversed several times and it is intriguing and seemingly unexpected. In addition, it is reasonable.

  However, director Liu Xunzimo said in an interview that when he started to create the movie script at the end of 2018, the script killing was not popular. The movie basically showed the state of the script meeting. Compared with the modus operandi or the murderer in the case, he Pay more attention to the things that each role radiates and the person itself.

  Producer Han Han also said on Weibo that this movie was originally called "The Birth of a Movie". He watched the creators keep polishing the script. What a story."

"Famous Li Wan" stills

The background color of "True Goodness"

  If humorous satire and suspense can attract the audience into the play, then there is also the growth and sublimation of the characters in "Fame and Life". Behind the seemingly inferential plot, the film tells the story of guardianship and justice.

  As a group drama, the protagonists in the film have distinct personalities, such as "bad film director", "decadent screenwriter", "dead male protagonist", "returned kung fu star"... this group of unreliable filmmakers, in fact Each has its own shortcomings and difficulties, and they are all common "little people" in life.

"Famous Li Wan" stills

  From joining because of the temptation of interest, to understanding the complexity and danger of the matter and then wanting to withdraw, and finally escaped from the front line of life and death, they can clearly stay out of the matter, but they still unhesitatingly uncovered the truth through film creation.

  In the process, they argued about the direction of script creation, reflected on the meaning and value of the film, and bravely unveiled their disguise, revealing the more important kindness behind their appearance.

  Some viewers commented: "Although the'film workers' in the film have their own shortcomings, this group of ordinary people can always protect the kind people in the most urgent time and shine with the light of ordinary people."

  This film about film satirizes the plagiarism, hype and other problems in the film industry, but it also expresses the in-depth thinking of film workers on how to make a good film, and in the process analyzes their creative minds to the audience. .

There is no hot schedule, it is also a dark horse

  There are no big-name stars, no hot schedules, and director's big-screen debut. "Famous" did not receive much attention at first, but it gave the audience and the cinema an unexpected surprise.

  Looking back at the Chinese film market in 2021, most of the top ten domestic films that won the box office came from important periods such as Spring Festival, National Day, and Summer. However, a phenomenon that cannot be ignored is that when more and more movies choose to bet on hot files , There are also many films with high hopes reduced to "accompany running."

"Famous Li Wan" stills

  "Although this movie has some shortcomings, I think you won't regret it when you watch it, because its advantages are good enough." As Han Han said, many post-view comments mentioned the sincerity shown in the film and the sincerity to the audience. respect.

It can be said that a solid script, innovative form, and word-of-mouth communication are the keys to the film's recognition.

  The birth of the November box office "little black horse" of "Famous and Establishing Ten Thousands" has also shown everyone that the schedule cannot be completely equated with the box office. Unpopular schedules can also produce excellent works. The key is to rely on word of mouth and quality.
