"Grandma Wu" has become an Internet celebrity, and everyone can understand the happiness of "no question"

  Wu Yuren, a 72-year-old professor of physics at Tongji University, has recently gone viral.

Demonstrating the sky with an iron pan, and simulating cosmic rays in space with a broom... This short-haired "Grandma Wu" speaks wittyly, and when he is standing in front of the camera doing interesting physics experiments, he brings surprises to the children again and again.

The popular science of "Grandma Wu" is mainly aimed at basic education for young people, but because it is fun and easy to understand, it has unexpectedly attracted a large number of adults.

  How should "hard science" be taught?

This is a problem that the times throw at every teacher.

Short videos allow popular science to reach more circles and age groups, and its dissemination time and region are not restricted, effectively magnifying the value of dissemination.

The interactive function of short video has not only improved teaching efficiency, but also enriched the forms of popular science.

  From the perspective of popular science content, the "Grandma Wu" team also made tailored tailoring in the form of short videos.

As early as when he was teaching at the university, Wu Yuren had noticed that many students had an obvious fear of physics.

Therefore, her popular science live broadcast stimulates children's curiosity through life-like language and down-to-earth experiments, and demonstrates the true charm of physical science.

Some abstract and complex physics knowledge terms were once prohibitive.

"Grandma Wu" shows us that science is practical and interesting.

  It is worth noting that in the live broadcast, Professor Wu's approachable science attitude successfully guided family education to "squat down" to communicate with children.

Her experiment inspired a group of tiger parents and mothers to take their children to do "parent-child experiments" at home.

When parents and children become "classmates" searching for knowledge together, presumably, the family education atmosphere will also become enjoyable.

  The domineering account name "@不刷题" has become Professor Wu's "traffic password" for attracting millions of fans.

Interest-led, non-extreme exam-taking, and happy education concepts run through Wu Yuren's entire career.

"Science is an important tool to build a dream for the future" is her feelings and ideals, and "no question" represents her ultimate judgment and criterion of the value of education.

  The "@不刷题" account is popular, and it is undoubtedly a good thing for producers of high-quality popular science content and the platform to empower and achieve each other.

The public can use fragmented time to acquire popular science knowledge, so that the traffic will tilt towards healthier, smarter, and in-depth content.

To a certain extent, this can also be seen as a return of value after the public's aesthetic fatigue on pan-entertainment videos, which forces the platform to build a better content ecology from the demand side.

  □The Beijing News commentator Li Xiaoxiao

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