• Interview Dani Rovira: "If with cancer I had debated between life and death, I would also have made jokes"

Dani Rovira (Málaga, 1980)

sits down and makes an accurate diagnosis of how the pyramidal muscle presses on the sciatic nerve. The affected person is the interviewer who listens and suffers (not necessarily in silence). "I had to remember something about my degree in Physical Education," he says one day after the release of what is the last film of the inexhaustible marathon he has undergone in 2021.

'Careful with what you wish for',

by Fernando Colomo, is the family comedy that coincides with the premiere of the chapter

'El asfalto',

signed by Paula Ortiz, of

'Stories to not sleep'

. And he does it just a few weeks from the film pre-selected for the Oscars'


', by Marcel Barrena, a few months from

'Jungle cruise

'and a few meters from' Hate ', the monologue on the Netflix grill. All that is right now Dani Rovira. In addition to being an expert in injuries of unconscious athletes.

That of being careful what you want, as the movie says, is not a somewhat conservative slogan? Why fear desire? I do not consider myself a person with very crazy dreams or desires. I have always said that I have not chased dreams but that I have opened the door and the dream was there. Every time I educate myself more to be satisfied and accept the day to day. I made a movie in Hollywood and I didn't even want it. It is life that wishes me things, both good and bad.There is a rare continuity in his latest works: all, in one way or another, speak of conciliation, of maintaining the right distance, of equidistance therefore ... This is a no-frills, white comedy for the whole family, and it's important to appeal to this kind of speech especially now. Even selfishly.In the end, it's easier to get attention when you do the opposite of what everyone else does. You walk into a room where everyone but one is yelling, and you stop in the one that is silent. It happens to me in the animal shelters. You see all the poor dogs barking at you and suddenly you see one in a quiet corner. And you end up falling in love with him. At a time when there is so much noise and so much poison in the environment, I think this type of message and movies are necessary. How do you see that of equidistance? It is rare that it is considered an insult. Likewise, you do not have to be constantly reviewing everything. Perhaps it is necessary to claim as a right the right not to express an opinion. Be it for whatever reason, because you don't want to, because you prefer to reserve yourself for a private area or, simply, because you have no idea or are not informed.Now nobody doubts and I doubt a lot of people who do not doubt. Hate is cowardly as I said in '


'? The easy thing is to stand out for the low, for the uncouth ... Carrying a backpack of hate is worse for the one who hates, not for the one who is hated. I am convinced that many disputes would be resolved in a face-to-face over coffee. Many of the problems derive from the anonymity of social networks where one is radicalized so that his own, for those who think like him, and so that they do not see that you falter.How do you carry that of overexposure? In recent times and after I am one of those who has learned to say no. I don't work more than anyone else. What happens is that, luckily or unfortunately, everything I do has repercussions. I diversify, yes, so as not to get bored. But my ego has long been high enough that I don't need a ball to hit everything I do. I know that success does not depend on me.I started telling stories in a tea shop and that was my school. And I did it because I liked it and to get some peels out of me. I wasn't thinking of anything else. Perhaps today there are more people who want to be famous and want to be like Ibai Llanos. But I don't get in there. 'Eight Basque surnames' has given me a lot, but it has been much more rewarding and successful for me to do '100 meters'. You mentioned the disease, how do you see this new time of healing, so to speak, after your cancer and after the pandemic? I am not able to speak in general about Spain or society. The pandemic has been an accelerator of what was latent in each one. It has intensified who we are. I think we've been better, but the one who was an asshole before the pandemic is now a better asshole. If I speak of my circle,I can only say that I am very happy with how my relationship has evolved, from them to me and vice versa. In what way has it changed? Well, I have closed and at the same time strengthened the circle I was talking about. The message is: "I am going to cover less and squeeze more." A disease like mine, which, as far as possible, had a good prognosis, is above all a frightening humility cure. You have been watching how bullets hit others for 39 years and suddenly ... I could make a list of teachings, but it has basically been a learning of self-knowledge. Suddenly, what you value most are the adverbs here and now. Do you feel the responsibility of being the Dani Rovira committed to a just cause in each film? If with a simple film you can provoke something in the viewer in addition to simply entertaining him, then better .That does not mean that if tomorrow I get the script for a kind of 'Hangover' I will say no. Not at all. If there is a social connotation in a project, it has won me over. I identify with social cinema and one of the directors that I like the most is Fernando León de Aranoa. So he believes that cinema can change society, modify opinions ... Without a doubt. There are doctors who prescribe their patients to see '100 meters'. Cinema as humor heal, but they can also hurt, what do you think about the transformations in humor, about, and I am sorry to say, its limits? It is an eternal debate. There is no definitive answer. They talk about the limits of humor, but nobody talks about the limits of offense or the limits of drama. I think, yes,that society is shooting itself in the foot with this political correctness and thin skin. It ends up offending us all something. I agree that people are offended, but not that this offense becomes a campaign to censor someone. Comedians are like restaurants or hairdressers ... if you don't like something, just don't consume it, but it is also an achievement of society that it is discussed and protested against the humiliation of the weak ... It is about looking for a Balance. The important thing is that there is no evil. Black humor has always existed and I love it. It's about understanding irony. But it is true that self-censorship is the worst censorship that an artist can experience. You also learn to discern where you say things. There are things that, for example,I only say on stage and that I will never say in an interview or on social media. Common sense.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Dani Rovira

  • Malaga

  • Netflix

  • Ibai Llanos

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