In times of the already high incidence values ​​you have to be a bit foolish to celebrate Carnival almost like in the past.

Last year, the season opening was canceled everywhere at lower values ​​than the current one, thanks to vaccination on this eleventh in the eleventh, the jeck core stock believes it is safe.

On Thursday, stewards strictly check the 2-G certificate and ID card in Düsseldorf's old town, then you are allowed to wake up to Hoppeditz in the fenced-in turmoil in front of the town hall, where people are swaying and singing to their hearts' content as if there were no vaccination breakthroughs.

Pure burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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On the stage, one of the top fools steps up to the microphone and is happy about the "wonderful sight so long after Corona".

The band then sings songs with lines like “Yes, we're in the forest, where's our Altbier?”, “Today the world won't end!” Or “We're celebrating life!” That was the motto of the Düsseldorf Committee Carneval spent on this session, which unfortunately still does not take place after Corona, but in the middle of it, which thankfully the bright Hoppeditz makes clear in his speech, at least indirectly, when he hands out against vaccination opponents and supporters of conspiracy myths, among other things.

"Everything has a sing zig" (everything has its time) is the motto in Cologne. There the eleventh in the eleventh is celebrated particularly big, and on Thursday there are significantly more fools from near and far out on the streets than in Düsseldorf. The queues in front of the cordoned-off 2-G party zones are sometimes hundreds of meters long, and the crowd is enormous.

The motto of the Cologne fools, which was actually not meant to be thoughtful, had already proven to be an extremely appropriate warning on Wednesday evening: around 7 p.m., all the local media had spread the message - in the carnival-mad Cologne of course as "breaking news" - that the designated prince was in the triumvirate got infected with the coronavirus despite having been vaccinated twice. The farmer and the virgin - also traditionally played by a man - tested negative. But because the triumvirate had met several times in the past few days to prepare for its official business, it did not start the session and was not received by Mayor Henriette Reker in the town hall as usual.

Everything has its time - they say to each other on Thursday morning in Kaarst near Neuss and cancel the start of the session at short notice.

“I'm really sorry for the Kaarster Jecken.

But we always have to make decisions in the interests of the entire city, ”said Mayor Ursula Braun.

"Despite 2 G, there are no guarantees when it comes to swaying and singing."