• TV Ana Rosa Quintana temporarily leaves Telecinco mornings due to breast cancer

The journalist Ana Rosa Quintana announced this week that she suffers

from breast cancer

and will leave her television program "a season" to undergo "intense treatment."

«They have detected a carcinoma in my chest.

Fortunately, it is localized and

there is no metastasis,

"said the presenter, 65, who already had breast cancer in 2010.

Like Quintana, many women face the diagnosis of breast cancer again years after having overcome a first tumor, news that can be a major psychological blow. “Emotionally it is very shocking for many women, who feel they have to start over. But it must be remembered that the treatments have improved a lot and the evolution can be very good.

Breast cancer is being cured more and more

», points out the oncologist Miguel Martín, president of the Spanish Breast Cancer Group (GEICAM). The average relative survival of breast cancer after five years is 89.2% overall, according to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). If the cancer is diagnosed at stage 1,

survival rises to more than 96%.

Once the tumor is detected, the first step is to differentiate whether it is a recurrence of the first cancer (recurrence) or, instead, it is a different tumor, a new type of cancer. "To differentiate them,

pathological anatomy

is key

", points out Isabel Echevarría, scientific secretary of the SEOM and oncologist at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital in Madrid. "It is necessary to evaluate if it is the same type of breast cancer at the histological level, if it has the same expression profile of hormone receptors and other parameters that we evaluate in breast tumors." Although the fundamental thing is the type of tumor and the stage in which it is diagnosed, "a recurrence has a greater risk of new relapses than a second primary," explains Echevarría.

From a molecular point of view, tumors are classified into four categories:

Luminal A, luminal B, HER 2 and basal like or triple negative

, explains Alexandra Henríquez, specialist in gynecological cancer treatment at Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid. The triple negative is the one with the worst prognosis, since it does not express hormone receptors or HER2, for which there are effective treatments. This type of tumor is the one that carries the

highest risk of relapse

in the first years after diagnosis, including the involvement of distant organs, such as the liver, lung or bones.

According to Martín, there are different factors that influence the chances of developing a second breast cancer. The risk is significantly higher in women with the

BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations

. Also in young people, in women who have had children late or who have not breastfed, the chances are higher, among other factors. However, Martín emphasizes, it must be taken into account that "most never relapse" and that by carrying out a

healthy lifestyle

, with regular aerobic exercise and a Mediterranean diet that avoid sedentary lifestyle and obesity "is not only reduced in greatly the risk of new tumors and various types of cancer, but also of metabolic diseases.

For the follow-up of patients, the SEOM guidelines recommend a consultation every 3-6 months in the first two years after diagnosis.

Until after five years, the visits must be every six months

and become annual thereafter. These visits should include both a physical examination and a review of the history and symptoms. An annual ultrasound mammogram is also recommended. The option of having an MRI should be considered in young women with dense tissue breasts and a known genetic predisposition. There is no evidence that closer follow-up with multiple examinations improves survival, the experts consulted agree.

It is estimated that

33,375 cases of breast cancer will

be diagnosed in Spain in 2021


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Science and Health

  • Breast cancer

  • Cancer

  • HBPR

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