Europe 1 6:50 p.m., November 10, 2021

On the occasion of the “MIF Expo - Le Salon du Made in France”, of which Europe 1 is a partner and which takes place from November 11 to 14, 2021 in Paris, the station is relocating live broadcasts.

It highlights companies that have chosen to produce in our territory, and makes the link with consumers.

On the occasion of the "MIF Expo - Le Salon du Made in France", of which Europe 1 is a partner and which takes place from November 11 to 14, 2021 in Paris, the station relocates live broadcasts.

It highlights companies that have chosen to produce in our territory, and makes the link with consumers.

Europe 1 invests the scene with delocalized live broadcasts: France moves on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 November, and La table des bons vivants on Saturday 13 November.

Elisabeth Assayag

, journalist and presenter of La France bouge, will be a member of the jury for the Made in France Grands Prix, rewarding companies that participate in the Made in France Innovation, Environment and Made in France Entrepreneur Awards. of the year.

• Thursday November 11:

France is on the move - Elisabeth Assayag and Emmanuel Duteil

Elisabeth Assayag and Emmanuel Duteil meet listeners live at the Made in France Fair, in the company of

Luc Lesénécal

, president of Tricots Saint James and president of the National Institute of Crafts and Living Heritage.

Together, they will discuss the importance of local roots for businesses.

Fabienne Delahaye

, founder and president of the Salon du Made in France,

Antoine Courtiol

, master craftsman and founder of A!

as concrete, in Brive la Gaillarde,



, president of Le Soulor, a company based in Nay, in Béarn,

Mélanie Marticorena

, founder of Kaldo, a brand of beach accessories Made in France in Biarritz, will also be their guests.

• Friday November 12:

France on the move - Elisabeth Assayag and Emmanuel Duteil

For the second day of the Show, Elisabeth Assayag and Emmanuel Duteil invite

Simon Barbeau

, CEO of Brandt, to

their show


They will also receive

Benjamin Cohen

, founder of Y-Brush brand of electric toothbrushes,

Olivier Midy

, founder of Midual, manufacturer of Made in France motorcycle for 28 years,

Erwan Kervarec

, creator of UYD, brand of colorful French sweatshirts and

Capucine Mercier

, at the head of PliM, a brand of organic cotton hygienic protections.

• Saturday, November 13:

La table des bon vivant - Laurent Mariotte

Laurent Mariotte and his team invite host and food critic

Julie Andrieu

, between 11 am and 12:30 pm, to their bon vivant table, for a special live broadcast from the Salon du Made in France.

In the company of Olivier Poels and Ophélie Neiman, the bon vivant will come back to the importance of Made in France, in particular through a subject on the pickle.



will be the guest of the week's dossier, together they will question the link between farmer and consumer.

The dish of the day will be prepared by the Michelin-starred chef and best worker in France,

Christian Têtedoie


Programs to follow on Europe 1, Europe and the station's social networks.