A judgment will be handed down at the Yokohama District Court on the 9th to a former nurse who has been accused of killing three inpatients by mixing them with a disinfectant solution at a hospital in Yokohama City.

While the prosecution sought the death penalty, lawyers insisted that "indefinite imprisonment is appropriate in a state of weakness," and it will be interesting to see what kind of judgment will be made.

Ayumi Kubogi, a 34-year-old former nurse at the former Oguchi Hospital in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, mixed a disinfectant solution into the infusions of three inpatients in their 70s and 80s in September 2016, five years ago. He is accused of murdering him.

Defendant Kubogi admitted that he had been charged, and the mental condition and the weight of the sentence at that time were at issue in the trial.

In previous trials, the prosecution motivated the IV to mix antiseptic solutions to prevent patients from dying during their working hours and being blamed by their bereaved families. Is pointing out.

On top of that, he is seeking the death penalty, saying, "The effects of mental illness were extremely small and I was fully responsible. The result of killing three people was extremely serious."

On the other hand, the lawyer said, "It is unreasonable to kill with the motive of'I do not want to explain to the bereaved family'. The defendant was in a state of mental weakness due to the influence of schizophrenia. I regret it, "he claims that life imprisonment is appropriate.

The decision will be handed down at the Yokohama District Court at 1:30 pm, and the court's decision will be watched.