The art of climate is

often quite harmless;

boring, predictable and pointy, right?

But listen and be amazed;

here at Malmö Art Gallery the exception is now shown which confirms that rule.

Namely Sun & Sea - an opera performance created by three female artists from Lithuania: Lina Lapelyté, Vaiva Grainyte and Rugilè Barzdziukaite who knocked out the art world and won the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale 2019.

No wonder maybe.

Sun & Sea is a very refined and to say the least spectacular set.

A completely realistic sandy beach packed with sunbathing tourists;

young couples in love, dogs peeking in the sand and affluent mothers who love pina coladas.

With the help of

the seductively light music - preferably in bossa nova beat - the singing holidaymakers remind us of things we know very well but have chosen to repress - such as the algae bloom or all the plastic bags that float around like jellyfish in the sea.

Thanks to the refined perspective - where the audience looks down on the sunbathers from a 3 meter high grandstand - it feels a bit like a zoo.

But instead of mountain gorillas, visitors study another, endangered species that is obviously far too stupid for its own good.

The human.