About sixty students have held the presidency of the University of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) since last Wednesday.

They are asking for an assignment in a course after the start of the academic year has passed for seven weeks.

On the facade of the building, the students displayed a banner stating “Studying is a right, not a privilege”.

Those who call themselves the "sans-facs" are supported by other students and unions.

However, they cannot be physically reached since security guards block the entrance to the building.

Inside, the occupants organize themselves as best they can.

Support from deputy Alexis Corbière

“We have a few mattresses, we also have a few coats to cover ourselves with because there is a window that never closes,” explained one of them, aged 20.

The situation distresses one of her 19-year-old comrades.

“It's quite stressful because we tell ourselves that we missed a lot of lessons!

[…] If we are registered a week before the exams, we will have to take the exams in the same way as those that started in September, ”she denounced.

She and her comrades told France Bleu Paris that they will occupy the premises as long as they have not been registered.

They received the support of Alexis Corbière, deputy La France insoumise (LFI) of Seine-Saint-Denis.

The elected official asked the president of the University in a tweet to find them an assignment.

What more legitimate students want to study?

Mr. President of the University of Nanterre, please register these 61 students !!

They are the future ... https://t.co/DDTNFcDA9Y

- Alexis Corbière (@alexiscorbiere) October 27, 2021


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  • University

  • Occupation

  • Nanterre