ZEvent gathered 51 Twitch streamers this weekend for a good cause.

The video game marathon raised just over 10 million euros for the Action contre la Faim association, twice the amount raised in 2020. Another feat: Inoxtag broke the French record for the number of viewers simultaneously on a live Twitch, with 453,000 people connected at the same time (a mark beaten later in the evening by the organizer ZeratoR, with 707,000 spectators).

To create a sensation around 6 p.m. this Sunday, the 19-year-old Frenchman brought in actress Andrea Pedrero from Mexico.

The one he nicknamed the "mermaid" had already appeared in videos relating how he tried to seduce her this summer during a trip to Central America.

"I have the cock at the bottom"

“It's an atomic bomb,” he greeted him.

"She is 29 years old, I am still a virgin and it is I who will lift her", continued Inoxtag, before recovering: "No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

"He then made the actress, who does not speak French, repeat" Inès (her real name) you have a big cock ", and gave her sentences like" I have the cock at the bottom ".

Streamer Ultia has requested that this streak be interrupted.

She spoke to her community to denounce these sexist, misogynistic, and yet applauded remarks.

"Under cover of a joke, we can say homophobic things, sexist things, racist things," she recalled.

There's nothing to see hate like that wsh pic.twitter.com/PgaURO4bCl

- Wati 💎 (@ Wati_V2) October 31, 2021

The admonition prompted the young man to come and explain himself on Ultia's live, asserting that he and Andrea Pedrero used to exchange these kind of jokes.

“Sometimes things from the private sector should not go to the public (…) you cannot bring him in front of people and make him say that in front of the camera,” Ultia retorted.

"She ends up on weird forums"

“Afterwards, they (the spectators) fetishize her, they make music videos, she (Andrea Pedrero) ends up on weird forums… I live that every day,” she explained.

"I confess that I did not see it like that", admitted Inoxtag.

“I want to apologize (…) and I understand my mistakes,” he concluded.

Apparently Twitter has a hard time putting an entire video when it comes to @ ultiaa, thank you @Inoxtag for understanding the concern and apologizing.


- David💤 (@MiisterDavid) October 31, 2021

The controversy could have ended there, but Ultia suffered a wave of cyberstalking, insults and threats as a result of her intervention.

The message "Sal3 gross3 put3 we will t3 gang rape you and your whole family #xintay" was repeated many times on social networks.

"Guys stop, she said what she thought, we must not carry hatred", yet tried to shut down Inoxtag.


Z Event raises more than 10 million euros for Action Against Hunger and shatters its own record


Michou, Inoxtag… Team Croûton takes power on YouTube, but who is she?

  • Cyber ​​harassment

  • Sexism

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