5 minutes

Cop-26 and saving the house


Alaa Jarrad


01 November 2021

The United Nations Climate Conference is currently taking place at its 26th session, symbolized by the letters COP 26, which stands for Conference of Parties, an international conference on climate change, where heads of state and political leaders meet to discuss action on climate change. The conference is hosted every year from Before a different state to ensure that all regions are represented.

This year the UK is partnering with Italy in the main conference to be held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), every country is obligated by the treaty to avoid dangerous climate change, and all countries must work to find ways to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an equitable manner.

Annual meetings are a way to help achieve this under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

It is expected that about 25,000 people will attend this important event, which is hopeful, so what do the people of the planet hope to achieve?

World leaders will discuss how to accelerate work toward the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in which countries have committed to taking steps to limit global warming to 1.5°C, and work towards bringing the temperature back to pre-industrial levels or slightly higher.

So, national targets have been agreed and countries have to come back every five years with new commitments. People hope to see those goals achieved in time as a result of serious decisions and actions resulting from the 26th Climate Conference, and scientists estimate that emissions should be reduced by 45% by 2030, compared to 2010 levels. From there we should reach net zero emissions by the year 2050. This will be the only way to ensure that the world has a good chance of staying within the 1.5°C threshold. The net zero emission point is the point at which the amount of heat emissions are equal to the mechanisms that reduce the impact of those emissions, such as afforestation and initiatives aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

One of the catastrophic aspects of global warming is the displacement of a large number of people due to desertification or the burning of their environment, and the examples are not far off. Our homes, even if planet Earth is our big home.

Those who will not be reached by the fires will reach the flood or the flood. Because of the high temperatures, the ice melted and the water levels rose and flooded many parts of the world.

Will this conference save our land so that it remains inhabited, or will the opportunity be lost?

According to the "EarthWatch" website, developed countries must raise $100 billion to fund the necessary steps to achieve the Net-Zero goal, and countries need to work together to achieve it, and cooperation between governments, companies and civil society must be accelerated to achieve the goals of the climate conference.

• Many countries of the world are sounding the alarm that the scope of fires may expand to reach all regions, even reaching our homes.



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