[Explanation] On October 27th, blind students of the Special Education College of Changchun University were taking computer classes as planned.

In the classroom, they wear headphones, operate a computer keyboard, and use shortcut keys to "browse" web pages, which looks no different from normal students.

  It is reported that the School of Special Education of Changchun University has been offering computer courses for the blind for more than ten years. The purpose is to hope that these blind students can use computers like normal people and learn more about new things.

  At present, there are more than 80 blind students in the college, and the two-hour computer class per week can be described as their "favorite".

  [Concurrent] Gao Peng, Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University

  What we use is the combination of screen-reading software and some shortcut keys of the operating system, so that students can learn about computers.

The classmate uses the mouse on the screen, and what is pointed to is transmitted to the classmate's ears by voice, and then it is as if the classmate can actually see the object.

  [Explanation] Although blind students cannot see the videos and images brought by the Internet, they can also feel the convenience of the Internet through learning.

  In fact, for blind students, learning to use a computer is not an easy task.

Gao Peng introduced that memorizing the position of the keyboard and various shortcuts is the most difficult part of the learning process. Blind students need to listen to the instructions over and over again and practice repeatedly, and the hard work is several times more than that of normal students.

  [Concurrent] Gao Peng, Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University

  Some software does not provide screen reading support, so it still has some shortcomings. However, if you can go online after studying, for example, you can browse some news on the Internet, or listen to music, or seek some help, search Some content related to yourself, this can be done.

  [Explanation] Gao Peng expressed that he hopes that this computer class can bring more fun to the visually impaired students, so that they can fully experience the convenience brought to life by the advancement of science and technology.

  [Concurrent] Gao Peng, Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University

  Let blind students be able to use the computer as a tool to help themselves (work) like normal people, to add some fun to their lives, or to provide some help.

  Reporter Sun Boyan reports from Changchun

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]